Yamaha YTP 310 AC Adapter

by Helen

I'm looking for an alternative to buying the PA3C adapter so I was wondering what the specifications were that I needed? The book says that its DC 12V, but is the voltage the only thing that matters or do the other things like Ma, HZ, and Watts matter too?


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Sep 27, 2009
Adaptor for YPT 310
by: Alfred

Dear Helen: Further to my earlier post, Yamaha's latest list shows you can use the Yamaha PA 130.

Sep 23, 2009
Adaptor for YPT 310
by: Alfred

Dear Helen: I believe you mean YPT 310. You are astute re Output.
Try Ebay, or google Power Adaptor for a match. Please post a follow-up comment on this Forum if you are successful in your quest so other participants can learn what to do. Thank you and happy hunting.

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Yamaha YPT-310 AC power adapter

by Anita
(San Antonio, Texas)

What type of AC power adapter does a Yamaha YPT-310 require?

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Aug 05, 2009
Adaptor for YPT 310
by: Alfred

Dear Anita: You need an Adaptor which has a 110 to 120 VAC Input, and a 12 vdc 2 Amp Output.

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MIDI - Connecting YPT-310 to CP300

by Paul Duetemeyer
(Dahlonega, GA)

Can a YPT-310 be MIDI connected to a CP300?

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Mar 03, 2011
Yamaha Pls.Help Help Help
by: Sonny

I dont know how I need help I owned a Yamaha PSR 3000 and the LCD is doubling or even thripling I almost cant read it anymore so I have to call YUPANGCO Yamaha here in PHILIPINES but the trouble is I will have to wait weeks or months for this to be repaired and its too expensive for the parts and services fee.I cannot wait that long becouse Im a musician and this is My,our bread and butter.Ask help from Yupanco Yamaha Philippines is that youl just be answered SORRY thats all what we can do.Now what shall I doYamaha Japan or anywhere Pls Help

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Yamaha YPT 310 All the A and E Flat Keys are not working.

by Dan Kendrick
(Shawnee Kansas)

My son just opened a new YPT 310 Keyboard and the A and E Flat Keys do not work. There isn't any sound and the notes do not show up on the screen when you press them. Does anyone have experiance with this problem?

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Oct 13, 2009
to reset keyboard
by: Anonymous

I called support today and they said to reset the keyboard have the keyboard in OFF, hold the C key (highest) one down and then power ON. It worked and we are back in business.

Oct 12, 2009
similar issue
by: Anonymous

I have a similar problem. My E key as well as A sharp won't work either playing or on the staff.

I hope you get an answer. Mine worked fine yesterday. I wonder if there is a reset button someplace.

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Yamaha YPT 310 vs YPT 320

by emily

Is the Yamaha YPT 320 just a newer addition from the 310? Does it have as good a sound quality as the 310? Which is the better buy? Sorry for all the questions! thanks :)

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Jun 12, 2010
Yamaha YPT 310 vs YPT320
by: Anonymous

Dear Emily: Please read our Webmaster's (Mantius) post "Yamaha Keyboard Guidelines 2", dated June 1, lower down on current posts.

Unfortunately our discussions do not include the info you want, and you should do as he suggests. If there is a Yamaha dealer near you, your best course of action is to go there and try out the units, first hand. Please come back to this Forum if you decide to purchase either keyboard. We welcome you participation in our group. Keep well.

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