Transpose function location on Yamaha YPG235

by Tip Norasingh
(Anaheim, Ca, Orange)

Can someone pls tell how to locate the transpose function the Yamaha YPG235 keyboard?

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Jan 13, 2018
Tranpose fxn YPG 535
by: Anonymous

Left of display screen find "function" button (long rectangle button closest to screen). Press and view display (will probably say "language" in top bar). Find up & dwn buttons under big black scroll wheel (right of screen). Use up button to scroll through until "transpose" is displayed in top bar. Once there, use scroll wheel to change key by semi tones displayed in lower bar (0,+1,-2,etc.) You will need to find it each time keyboard turned on. You can get to it by using dwn button, but if you are on "language" it is closer if you use up button.

Jun 10, 2016
Can't delete songs that I am recording
by: Anonymous

Where is the "plus" button for the Yamaha keyboard ypg 235? Trying to delete a song and it's locking up my keyboard and not deleting. Thanks for any help

Feb 22, 2016
Yamaha 235 Key Transposition
by: Sparky


Many thanks! It give relief in my accompaniment problem.

Feb 04, 2016
Sustain not holding?
by: Anonymous

I bought my Yamaha ypg-235 around 6 or 7 months ago... I'm a piano/keyboard newbie so I assumed all the settings were correct; however watching others play theirs it would appear that the individual notes aren't holding long enough on my keyboard. It's sounds like using the room settings on the function pad. Does anybody know why or what I should do?

Feb 26, 2011
Transpose function location on Yamaha YPG235
by: Gary Gordon

Touch the FUNCTION button located to the right of the screen. Touch the > button TWICE and you should be at the TRANSPOSE screen. Use the dial to transpose up or down.

Dec 16, 2010
by: Dick Rector

Hi Tip,

Not all models have a transpose-KNOB on the desk but ALL keyboards do have a transpose-function. They would be no good to play with other instruments if they couldn't transpose.

Usually you can find it under FUNCTION - TRANSPOSE or something similar.


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yamaha ypg 235 and transpose

by cass

does the yamaha ypg 235 have transposing capability?

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Dec 29, 2013
by: Anonymous

Do Yamaha ypg 235 transpose

Nov 04, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hi Cass,

ALL keyboards have a transpose-function but on some of them it is more or less clumsy to do it.
Some have knobs or buttons you turn or push a few times to the desired 'key'. With others you have to go to a 'function' area first and push a button one or more times.
But in general the answer is YES.


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Trouble shooting - Yamaha YPG-235

My brand new YPG-235 was working and then it powered down... I have tried plugging the AC adapter in a different outlet, but it still will not power on.

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Oct 27, 2015
Playing the flash memory p
by: Anonymous

I have ypg-235 keyboard I upload the music to the flash memory, it said it was transfer to the keyboard but I can not figure out how to turn it on the keyboard and play it the music I uploaded, can someone please help thanks

Aug 08, 2015
by: H Carter

My music data base stopped working. This is the 2nd one that I have purchased. My last YPG-235 same thing happened to it. This one is only 2 months old and the music data base has stopped working on this unit also. Anyone have any ideas or these just junk???

Feb 10, 2010
YPG 235
by: Alfred

Dear Anonymous: I avoid answering qustions from "anonymous" members, but to avoid your losing the opportunity to return the unit to your seller while still under warranty, do not waste time. Return the keyboard immediately.

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Installing YPG-235 key board into a mac

by Maracy
(Peach Tree city)

I have not been able to install the YPG-235 keyboard I just bought into my mac, because it seems that the cd that comes with it is for PC. Am I missing something?

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Mar 31, 2010
YPG 235 to Mac
by: Alfred

Dear Maracy: Please see my post of today's date 3/31 answering Tech Challenged question on his PSR E 403. I had a chance to look at my PSR E 403 Manual and it does not say anything about hooking up to a Mac, so I believe neither will the manual for your YPG 235. Try contacting for help, and please advise the Forum as to the answer. Thanks.

Mar 23, 2010
Yamaha YPG 235 to Mac
by: Alfred

Dear Maracy: Check the Owner's Manual. It should have a section describing how to link up your Unit to a Mac. If you do't have a manual, contact they may have one for free download. Good luck.

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Sustain for left split voice - Yamaha YPG-235

by Ryan

I just bought a YPG-235. I am messing around with the split feature, and I am not able to figure out how to use the sustain pedal for the voice on the left of the split. When I use the sustain pedal, the voice on the right of the split is sustained, but not the voice on the left.

Does anyone know how this is accomplished?



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May 08, 2012
by: Anonymous

i have the same problem! its really annoying so if you find out the solution please say!

Dec 27, 2011
Me too
by: Anonymous

I am having this problem too, and it's really frustrating.

Also my sustain just doesn't hold out long enough in general. For example I play the moonlight sonata slowly. It's how I was taught. But the base notes die out before I need to hit the next one instead of ringing nicely and carrying through even with the sustain pedal pressed and the keyboard sustain turned on

I need more than 3 seconds of sustain.

How does it work for you?.

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ypg 235 vs dgx230ms

buying for newbie
he wants ypg235, can get dgx230ms for better price
what is difference if any?

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Dec 06, 2010
Difference between YPG vs DGX230ms
by: Troy In Winston Salem, NC

They are the same in every way except the color and the YPG model does not come with an supplyed a/c adapter or a stand. The DGX models come with a stand and the adapter.

Nov 17, 2009
they're the same
by: Anonymous

They are the same according to the manual

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Yamaha ypg235 vs ypg535. Pro's & con's

by Andy

I am looking to buy a keyboard and cannot decide between the yamaha ypg235 and ypg535.
Can you help me list pro's & con's?

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Jan 11, 2013
F# problem
by: Anonymous

I'm having trouble with sustain with the F# just above middle C. Is this the same F# you're having difficulty with too? Have you found a resolution?

Sep 02, 2009
pros cons
by: raleigh klwwb

Pro's: perfect weighted key system.

Cons: this keyboard limits you reallyy fast, you cant do very much more than basic things. It doesnt have enough sounds as i would like, you can only mix 2 sounds together, no more than 2.
power cord can become loose easily. one of my f-sharp keys has barely ever worked since i bought it. i need something with non-limitless abilities. like a korg

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Downloading Yamaha YPG-235 usb driver

Where can I download tbe USB driver for the YPG-235?

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Nov 06, 2010
de nada
by: Anonymous

de nada :D

Nov 03, 2010
saludoaaaa atodosd
by: Anonymous

muy bueno gracias gracias por el aporte

Feb 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

dude, the drive links are provided in my early comment

Feb 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

quiero conseguir el drivers

Aug 25, 2009
the driver
by: Mith

To create standard midi files, You need to purchase sequencing software such as Cubase for your computer, download the latest USB-Midi driver here, connect to the computer using a USB cable and then play the songs in real time into the software.

To record an audio or wave file, you would need to obtain an audio interface, such as the Yamaha Audiogram and plug into it via the instrument's headphone jack with an instrument cable. The interface comes with Cubase AI and you can use the software to record wave files, which can then be burned to a CD.

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how do you erase recordings on a Yamaha ypg-235 keyboard?

by Vinze

I am trying to erase the recordings on my yamaha ypg-235 keyboard, but will not let me fully erase recordings 2-5. I can completely erase slot number 1... but not 2-5... any idea how to erase them fully?

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Jan 07, 2010
Erasing Recordings
by: Alfred

Dear Vinze:
It's possible that all you need to do is Initialize (Reset) your unit to restore it to working order. If you don't have an Owner's manual, here's what to do:

1) Turn the Unit OFF, then holding down the last White key, turn the Unit ON. This reset erases all User Settings, Registration Memory, User Songs and Style File; meaning it erasesall your backed up Data.

2) If you want an out-of-the-box “Factory” Reset.turn the Unit Off, and then holding down the last White Key plus last three Black keys turn the Unit On again; meaning everything, including MIDI info will be erased.

In the hope that either of these suggestions gets the job done, please post a follow-up Forum message so ther members will learn from your experience. Thanks and good luck.

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