Yamaha s80 reboot

by johnny Marshall

How do you do a hard reboot of the S80

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Apr 01, 2020
sustain malefunction: tempted to reset
by: Anonymous

I am tempted to 'reset' because my sustain feature (I just bought a new pedal...) is not finctioning properly. Any suggestions before I reset?

Jul 11, 2010
reboot failure
by: Anonymous

I did this and now all of the keys are producing the same tone... ug my little boy got to the keyboard. I really need to know how to rest to factory settings...

Oct 10, 2009
Yamaha s*0 Reboot
by: Anonymous

Dear Johnnie: I believe what you mean by reboot is what is known in Yamaha "Parlance" as "Initializing". If so: 1) The Simple reset occurs any time the unit is turned ON [if no settings were saved originally]. 2) If any settings were saved, including User Songs, initializing through “highest C method” will erase them. [Turn the keyboard ON while holding down the highest C note to the right]. 3)“Total erasure-returning-to-factory-condition” will occur if initializing is done using highest C plus three black keys of that octave. [Turn the keyboard ON while holding down the highest C note to the right, plus the the three black keys of that octave]. Hope this helps, and if it does, please post a follow-up message in this Forum so other members can follow your example. Good luck.

Oct 10, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hi Johnny,

Not familiar with the S80 but a factory reset is usually done by holding the most RIGHT key down when you power up the keyboard.
Your manual should tell you how to do it anyway.
If you lost yours go to:
Type in the appropriate box S80 and you can download one in PDF format.
Give this forum feedback please if this helped you so others can benefit from the info.

Dick Rector
Bali (Indonesia)

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