Yamaha s-80 output chorusing

My Yamaha s-80 now generates a sort of chorus effect on the A1 grand piano sound...it is only coming out of the left output jack...the right output jack sounds fine, and the grand piano sound is fine through the headphone jack. What could be causing this, a sort of beating sound, like a chorus, only coming out of the left output jack...don't know why it does it, and a factory reset doesn't make it go away.

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Aug 05, 2010
strange noises
by: Dick Rector

Hi you both anonymous,

As you had an interesting question and answer, why don't you give a name so we know who we are talking to.

Someone I know had a strange noise on one channel and when she moved her handphone from the leftside of her music-stand the problem was solved.
Large speakerboxes close to the keyboard can also be a source of interference by the magnetic fields.


Aug 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

Study your playback system if there is an audio problem, it may be the playback, not the kb...I just solved my own problem and want to share it. I route my s-80 through my Roland VS-1680 Hard Disk Recorder, and one of the two stereo input channels had chorusing inserted in the path...I removed the chorus effect insert and my self-induced problem went away, explaining why I didn't hear it through the headphone jack on headphones....whoops!

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