Yamaha S 80 keeps cutting off!!

by Martin
(Los angeles)

My Yamaha S 80 will play just fine, and then power shuts off, and then will come back on in a few seconds. It will do this over and over, like a circuit breaker is shutting off. Does anybody know what this is, and what it takes to fix it??

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Apr 24, 2010
S 80 Intermittent Cut Off
by: Alfred

Dear Mike: As a contributor to this Forum you may have noticed that Dick Rector and I have been trying to make it a good place to exchange views, provide comments, etc. Your participation in such discussions is a welcome addition, and speaking for both of us, please FREQUENTLY "Jump in. The water's fine!". Regards.

Apr 24, 2010
Power Loss
by: Mike Burke

The first place I'd look at is the power input wire/lead going into the keyboard.
With use the movement of the wire leading to the power unit becomes worn and can break inside the plastic sleeve. Check the wire at the plug/to/keyboard end and at the end coming out of the power unit. With the keyboard on you take the wire from the power unit and gently bend it back and forward in your fingers, slowly moving along the wire, and see if the power disappears.
With great care the unit can be opened, i.e. the case can be pried apart and the broken wire repaired/replaced.
You take the chance that the wire or plug socket is not broken inside the unit but you have to eleminate everything.
But look for the simplest thing first, always.

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