Yamaha PSS-270 no sound

by Tina

I have had this keyboard for a while. It was always stored in the basement. Since recently moving, I wanted to try to get it out and play it. It powers on and the display comes up. I can hear the speakers power on. However, when I try to push the keys there is no sound. There is also no sound for the beats and instruments. Does anyone have any troubleshooting tips? I couldn't find any switches on the back.

Thank you

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Sep 24, 2020
by: steven

hello manu. which one is the amplifier?

Jun 15, 2020
I found something!
by: Manu

well, I know this post is from 2014, but anyway. The point is, the synthesizer works (thank goodness!). I figured it out connecting the output of the YM2413 directly to the input of the amplifier, then, I started the DEMO, and started working!!
I dunno why, but I will figure it out and tell what I've found

Nov 12, 2017
GT in trouble
by: Anonymous

I have an older Yamaha PS I have an older Yamaha PSS model 270 it is completely dead no sound no lights no music and I have no adapter I've misplaced it it runs on batteries I replace the batteries it doesn't work nothing dead as a doornail what should I do thank uy

Aug 17, 2014
same issue, no sound
by: Anonymous

Otherwise, system seems responsive. When changing the tempo, I see the red light indicating the beat change. I hear a slight noise from the speakers. I don't think the keys are the problem since the demo doesn't work either. The system is in like-new condition otherwise and has had very little use.

Feb 19, 2010
Me too!
by: Anonymous

I have this same exact issue on mine.

Feb 15, 2010
by: Anonymous

Mabye you didn't turn the volume (master volume) up ;) otherwise I don't know

Aug 27, 2009
PSS 270 No Sound
by: Alfred

Dear Tina: Depending on storage conditions, it is possible that the Rubber Underlay (under the keys) has deteriorated. The fact that the Display works is good as they are expensive to replace. If you do not have experience in repair work; and depending on value you place in your keyboard vs cost of new purchase. your best approach is to consider the services of a professional.

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