Comments for Yamaha PSRE403 - accompaniment problem

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Jun 15, 2010
Auto accompaniment
by: Dick Rector

Hello Maryanne,

A strange 'fault'.
My advice is: Unplug the keyboard from the mains - reconnect after about 10 seconds - power up the keyboard while holding down the highest white key.
That is what I call a 'mild' reset.

If that doesn't solve the problem:
Turn off the keyboard and unplug again.
Wait 10 seconds and reconnect.
Hold down the highest white key + the NEAREST 3 black keys while powering up.
This is a factory reset and should bring the keyboard back to the status when it came out of the box.
This last reset will delete everything that might be in USER-areas so it will delete your settings, songs etc. MAKE A BACKUP first if you have these.
Don't worry about the rest, voices and styles etc. are fixed in the intern memory and can NOT be deleted.
I hope this solves your problem. Let us know please so we all can learn from it.
Dick Rector
Bali (Indonesia)

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