Yamaha PSR3000 LCD screen Issue

by Marlene
(Marshfield, Mo USA)

LCD screen on my PSR 3000 has grown so dim, can barely read it.

It is old I know, but oh what a sound it still has. Played a live show recently and was embarrassed . Need advice, can it be fixed? Should I spend $$$ on an old piece of equipment? What would be the next choice, closest PSR to give me similar sounds/settings?
I'm a Senior, don't have many years left I'm sure, but music is and has been my lifeline for many years.

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Feb 16, 2023
Yamaha PSR 3000 LCD Screen Is Too Dim
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the LCD screen on your Yamaha PSR 3000. It's definitely understandable that you're hesitant to spend a lot of money on an old piece of equipment, especially if you're not sure if it can be fixed.

In terms of fixing the LCD screen, it's possible that it may be a simple issue that can be fixed with a new backlight or connection, but it's also possible that the screen itself may need to be replaced, which could be more costly. I would recommend taking it to a reputable music store or electronics repair shop to have it assessed and get a quote for the repair.

If the cost of the repair is too high or not worth it for you, then you may want to consider upgrading to a newer model of the PSR keyboard. The PSR-SX700 and PSR-SX900 are two newer models that offer similar sounds and features to the PSR 3000, and they also have larger color displays that are easier to read. They do come at a higher price point, but they may be worth the investment if music is such an important part of your life.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to repair or replace your keyboard will depend on your budget, how important the keyboard is to you, and how much longer you plan to continue playing music. Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best and hope that you can continue to enjoy making music for many years to come.

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