Comments for Yamaha PSR290 or PSR E403?

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Mar 05, 2010
PSR 290 vs PSR E 403
by: Alfred

Dear Anonymous: I normally gloss over postings from "Anonymous" members, but because I own a PSR E 403 and you seem to be enthusiastic to the point of forgetting to identify youself, the following comment is offered: "The PSR E 403 is an exceptional keyboard which introduces any player to the "Big Boy" keyboards. Unfortunately - like most Owner Manuals from Yamaha - the one supplied will oblige you to do a lot of experimenting before you master the myriad features this keyboard can produce. While I am not familiar with the PSR 2290, I doubt it is a gateway to learning what bigger keyboards can do. Hope this helps. Please ID youself if you feel we can be of further help. Keep well.

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