Yamaha - PSR-225GM - all functions work. but keys themselves will not produce sound??

by dustin renz

please help bought a psr-225gm keyboard all functions work including the sound. except the keyboard keys themselves seem to be inoperable. nosound...?????

Comments for Yamaha - PSR-225GM - all functions work. but keys themselves will not produce sound??

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May 01, 2012
Same Issue
by: TomC

I've had this unit for years. It has worked great. It even got beat up during a move, but still worked fine afterwards. The other day after playing I turned it off. Next morning all of the sound works fine, but the keys themselves seem disconnected. You can hit the metronome, the playback, etc and the sound is fine. Just pressing any key renders nothing.

I submit a ticket with Yamaha themselves to see if there is any information on this. Will post if I get a response with any kind of solution or closure to this issue.

Jan 04, 2011
thank you
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the response. My wife wanted to hold onto this keyboard we got 'free' from a friend. Now I feel good about just giving it back to the friend.


Jan 03, 2011
by: Dustin

Sorry about no response. I gave up and threw mine away. I did not realize ANYONE had responded to this until now.

Jan 03, 2011
No responses from this forum, just 'crickets'.
by: Anonymous

My Dec 12 inquiry was I think my third over a few months. I have never had a response from this forum to the issue of absolutely no sound from the keyboard. I had hoped, at a minimum someone had seen or heard of this and would say something like "the PC board is bad and it costs hundreds to you are out of luck" or "try pushing these buttons".

Nothing. No responses

Jan 02, 2011
Same here.
by: Anonymous

Did you find a solution?

Dec 12, 2010
Did you ever find a fix?
by: Dave

A friend gave my wife this keyboard. They had is stored for years. Turning on initially, the keys made some weird noises. I took it home and put new batteries in it. No sound has not come this unit since. Plugging in makes no difference. ANy insights into the problem or a fix?


May 14, 2010
same problem with me
by: Anonymous

same problem with me.. shown it to a repair shop. he said the ic board behind the keys. is problmatic and need to be cahnged.. it yamaha mg2002 s5f board.. now where to get it from ??? help me out

Aug 07, 2009
Yamaha - Same Problem
by: Fred

I'm thinking that it is the keyboard CPU circuit board, but have no way to test that theory without buying a new circuit board -- Where I do not know.

Feb 02, 2009
same problem
by: Anonymous

Any feedback? I am having the same problem.

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