Comments for Yamaha PSR2100 - My voices dont work!!

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Aug 29, 2010
lost voice in registration
by: Dick Rector

Hi Callum,

A registration is a very small 'moment picture' for a better word, of the present 'live' situation.
When you create your own voice or any other sound you have to save it, under a unique name in the USER area. From there you can call it up and save it in a registration-bank. As long as you keep your sound in the same place, thus the user area, you registration will look where that sound is and find it there. If you don't save it this way you will loose it when you turn the keyboard off.
The next time you turn on again the registration you have made can't find of course your sound and looks for the closest match in the preset sounds.
Hope this made it clear.
Have fun with your keyboard.


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