Comments for Yamaha psr s900 with words on screen being double

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Sep 02, 2010
Karaoke with double text
by: Dick Rector

Dear Pastor John,

I believe you are talking about midi-files with text in it (karaoke type).
How it can double the words I have no idea but I advice to download MIDIPLAYER by Michael Bedesem from PSRTUTORIAL.COM
First download and install the full program and afterward the latest update over it.
For all keyboard people this is a 'MUST HAVE'.
It is free and if you run your files trough this excellent program as a batch or per file hopefully it corrects the fault. I am not sure this will work but it won't hurt to try.
Another fantastic program is PSRUTI, also a free download and that corrects a lot in malfunctioning midi-files.
Both programs also replace (if you want)the GM (General Midi) voices for the by far much nicer voices of your S900
For the CD you should try the official Yamaha websites or hopefully someone else on this forum can help you.


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