The size of Yamaha S900 keyboard in packed condition
by E.S. Pavithra
(India, Tamailnadu, Chennai-4)
Dear sir/mam
i am pavithra from india doing my 8th standard...
i am learning keyboard for past 4 years.. now i want to buy YAMAHA S900 keyboard from Malaysia as my uncle is coming from Malaysia.. i would like to know the size of the keyboard when packed... So that it would be easy for my uncle to bring it in flight...
PSR-S900 LCD display went out
Hi, my name is Sam I live in USA. This is my 4th YAMAHA PSR-S900 and they all have the same problem with LCD gone out. I was lucky with the other on under warrenty but this one, YAMAHA refuse to cover it. Now I am have to eat it. Did any ny body know where can I buy the LCD cheap? Or know how to fix it?
Please help!
midi to mp3 - Yamaha PSR-S900
I have downloaded songs files (MIDI) from Yamaha site. They sound great on my PSR-S900. How do I make these files sound as good without my keyboard?
PSR S900 getting heated up
by Krishnan
(Pune, India)
Hi my name is Krishnan. I live in Pune, India.
I have a PSR S900 which I use for about 2-4 hours everyday. Although am very happy with this keyboard, one thing that worries me is it gets heated up between the LCD screen and the righthand side speaker in about 20minutes. I am really concerned about this. Could someone throw some light on this please ?
Installing psr s900 usb midi driver
by Schultzz
(Pittsburgh, PA)
Firstly the DVD Yamaha Survival Kit doesn't load.
Secondly, after downloading the usb midi driver the "detect new hardware" doesn't recognize the software.
I have bought some midi songs from the Yamaha site but cannot transfer them to the s900 because the usb connection is not recognized by the s900.
Am I doing something wrong? How do I get the s900 to recognize the driver?