Comments for Yamaha PSR -S900 and USB

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Feb 26, 2011
Yamaha PSR -S900 and USB
by: Gary Gordon

You have to format the keystick by plugging it into the keyboard and going to the FORMAT section. After it has been formatted on the keyboard THEN take it to your computer and load the midi files onto it. It should work then.

Aug 19, 2010
disk error
by: Dick Rector

Hi Phrason,

Try another small USB-stick with not so mutch on it.
I don't know much about it but I have read on another forum that on a USB-stick for keyboards shouldn't be to many folders and/or files.
If I remember well a maximum of about 70 folders and no more than 250 files in each folder to be on the safe side.
If your USB has many more, try to reduce it to that amount or you can run into Disk Error messages.

Please let me know if that solved it so we all can learn something from it.


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