Yamaha PSR i455 TRANSPOSE Problem

by Dixon sudhir
(Hyderabad, India)

Hi I have this problem with psr i455
Even when the transpose is 00 D keys give the sound of E please help me to resolve this ...have lot of inconveniences to play along with the band... Thank you

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Feb 11, 2021
Transpose Issue
by: Rajiv

Yep same as the above two posted. It's a problem when you manually set the transpose to -1 on regular voice and then turn on Accompaniment (ACMP) which functions on root transpose(00). Buck up Yamaha, take heed to these problems and provide customer support. You are devaluing your customers.

Feb 05, 2020
Hi I have this problem with psr i455 Even when the transpose is 00 D keys give the sound of E please help me to resolve this ...have lot of inconveniences to play along with the band... Thank you
by: Anonymous

Yes i am also same problem
Hi I have this problem with psr i455
Even when the transpose is 00 D keys give the sound of E please help me to resolve this ...have lot of inconveniences to play along with the band... Thank you

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