Yamaha PSR 60 not working properly

by Gary

My fiancee has a Yamaha PSR 60 that used to belong to her grandfather. After years of not using it, we were disappointed to find that it no longer worked. The main power light comes on, but no sound is produced by pressing the keys, and none of the auto chord/rhythm/orchestra etc buttons seem to work or light up.

Any ideas?


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Dec 18, 2024
I'ma fix my psr 60 NEW
by: Nanonymous

Michael Jackson AND Stevie Wonder used this keyboard yo. I have one with only one working speaker, but I'm gonna do what I can to fix it. I love how it sounds. How are people so eager to NOT fix anything? "Just buy a new one".. No wonder the world is going down the drain.

Dec 30, 2010
by: larhed@gmail.com

Working pretty smothly actually... However it's an old thing - I bought it used - and since then I'm eagerly looking for a Maintenance Guide and f.e information about what amplifiers are suitable and connections. I'm sort of a rookie, and need guidiance. If you have something useful, please scan it and email me! I sure would appreciate it!

To y'all... A Happy Good New Year tomorrow!

Lars, Sweden

Aug 24, 2010
Common Problem
by: Anonymous

I obtained one in the same condition surplus fro 10 bucks. After looking around, it seems as though this is a common problem.

Aug 12, 2009
Defective PSR 60
by: Alfred

Dear Gary: The keyboard was released in 1990, and depending on cost, you may want to consider buying a new/used and more current one rather
having it repaired.

If the unit was stored for a long time, it is likely that some parts of the innards have deteriorated (under-key pads, IC's, Resistors, etc.).

If you replace the keyboard with a used one,make sure it is in 100% working condition.
Good luck.

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