yamaha psr 32

by Lisa

Hi, i have a yamaha psr 32 (very old model) and am looking to buy a new power adapter, have not had mine for a very long time! i can not find a PA-4 anywhere, is there anywhere in particular you know i can buy one, or would you recommend any other adapter? many thanks in advance!!

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Oct 14, 2015
converting old floppy drive with usb port
by: Sushil

I have Yamaha 2000 old model keyboard with floppy drive. If I convert floppy with usb converter will it recognize new tabla styles. Would it read Ian files.

Sep 15, 2009
Use PA-150 Adapter
by: Paul F

I contacted Yamaha directly and asked them what current adapter replaces the PA-4 and they told me to use the PA-150. It arrived yesterday and sure enough, my PSR-32 fired up without an issue. Works like a charm and is much smaller than the old PA-4.

Aug 01, 2009
PSR 32 Keyboard
by: Alfred

As mentioned in my earlier post,I am not familiar with this keyboard. Looking back at my records and photo,I see that the unit has no connection for a linkage to a PC. Rear connections are only for Exp.Pedal, Aux.Out and DC (Adaptor). This is not to say a PC linkage cannot be made, but I believe it would take the know-how of an electronics engineer to do it. The hassle (modifications, etc.)is probably not warranted. Unfortunately mating the PSR 32 to current technology does not seem feasible. Hope this info helps.

Jul 26, 2009
Yamaha psr 32 ... adaptor for Mac?
by: Anonymous

Me too! I have a yamaha PSR-32 and would love to be able to connect it garage band on a mac. Is there any kind of adaptor that will do this?

Jul 24, 2009
neeed aan answer
by: Anonymous

i have a yamaha psr-32 and i want to know how or if i can connect it 2 my pc?

Jul 22, 2009
Adaptor for PSR 32
by: Alfred

Dear Lisa: Following my post of July 14, I have carefully checked for the best solution for your problem:
You have to buy a Yamaha PA 3(try Ebay), and an "AdaptaPlug" from Radio Shack (presumably there is one where you live). This second item is a small, converter which is attached to the end Connector of the PA 3 and inserted into the Jack (Receiving point) of your Keyboard.
Good Luck!

Jul 14, 2009
Adaptor for PSR 32
by: Alfred

Dear Lisa:
I believe the difficulty you are having in locating a PA 4 Adaptor is because it seems to have been discontinued by Yamaha.
On the assumption you still have your original Adaptor, tell me: if the Plug screwed onto the Jack in the Keyboard, and the exact diameter of the Pin which enters the Jack. I cannot tell from a blurred picture taken from Ebay.

From this blurred picture I see that your Keyboard has a symbol just below the Jack
indicating the Polarity of the Plug that it is designed to accept. The symbol has a (+)
sign to its left, and a (-) to its right.
The following two paragraphs are critical, and demand your careful attention:

Describe the symbol as accurately as you can. It shows a small circle with a smaller one at its center. There are short horizontal lines touching these circles. Tell me exactly which line is attached to each circle.

Below the symbol there are letters DC (illegible v) IN, What are the numbers between DC and IN ??

Contact me at my email address for a suggestion as to a current Yamaha Adaptor and where you can acquire it.

Jul 11, 2009
Adaptor for PSR 32
by: Alfred

Dear Lisa: If the label (or inscription) on your Adaptor is still legible, record it for your future use,then get back to me at almac1020@yahoo.com. Depending on the INPUT (ac) VOLTAGE where you live (Bristol, what country??), you may have to install a step-down transformer from your wall outlet, then to the PA 4 Adaptor, then to your Keyboard. Once you provide me with details I will be able to advise you further.

May 30, 2009
need one
by: Anonymous

how can i find one. thanx. mine got wet and i would love if you had any info. thanx again.

Apr 08, 2009
PA4 Adaptor for PSR 32
by: Anonymous

Dear Lisa: I'm not familiar with your keyboard, or the PA4 Adaptor, however here are points to keep in mind: ANY ADAPTOR can be used providing the specs are followed. Ensure the Input (AC voltage)matches your household voltage; ensure the Output(DC volts)matches that of a PA4 (whatever that is); ensure the Output amperage
matches AT LEAST that of the PA4 (whatewver that is. This last requirement is flexible providing it is HIGHER than that of the PA4.

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