psr 3000 not working with Alesis sr-16

by Simon

I got an Alesis sr-16, and for a year now, I'm trying to get it to work together with my psr3000, I followed some suggestions, others have given me, but no luck so far.

Does anyone know, whether there is a specific issue with those two machines, or how I can get them to work together.


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Jan 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Got the same problem...

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PSR 3000 Dead Keys

by Ronnie Miller
(Valliant, Ok, USA)

I have lost the sound on my PSR 3000 in 3 of the high G's, F# one D is dead, and one of the flats related to those keys are also dead.

Is there something in the programming that could have accidently got changed to caused this?

Any suggestion will be helpful.



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May 28, 2018
Yamaha PSR 3000 screen plastic torn
by: Kathy

Hi, I have a Yamaha Keyboard PSR 3000
and lately the screen proctector shield plastic is torn and the wordings seem to come off too. Does anyone e know how I can replace with a new screen? And how do I obtain it and the pricing. I am from Malaysia.

Thank you.

Aug 17, 2009
PSR 3000 Dead Keys
by: Alfred

Dear Ronnie:

One problem you have COULD BE related to worn out NIPPLES in the rubber underlay pad(s).
a) If you can open the keyboard and access the pad(s), and you find that there are signs of wear (only the Nipples, and not the surrounding main part of the pad),there is an organization which offers a product for recoating them.
b) Read the description of their product carefully
I’ve not tried it but have no doubt it
will work.

Their phone is 719 964 7205

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Auto accompaniment does not change bass note on Yamaha psr 3000.

by Richard

Auto accompaniment does not change bass note on psr 3000.Is this a common fault.Can it be repaired easily.

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Nov 14, 2009
PSR 3000 Auto Accompaniment
by: Alfred

Dear Richard: In addition to Dick Rector's comments, are you watching the indications in the unit's Display to ensure the AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT is ON? Sometimes this is overlooked. If there is no Display indication,try the basic Initialization (just turn the unit OFF) and try the Accompanimenet Button again while watching the Display as mentioned. Good luck.

Nov 13, 2009
Changing bassnotes
by: Dick Rector

Hello Richard,

Does this happens with styles made for Yamaha keyboards??
This problem occurs (quite often)as far as I know with converted styles from other brand keyboards. The bass doesn't 'walk' with mainly the intro and sometimes the ending, that of course sounds very monotone. Also often the intros and endings sound offkey. My experience with this problem is trying to 'tweak' the styles yourself. But in my case after trying it many disappointing times I deleted most of them. Sorry I can't give a more positive answer to solve this.
Why bother anyway... If you go to you can download for free tons of already tweaked styles that will work on your keyboard.

Dick Rector
Bali (Indonesia)

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Yamaha PSR3000 keyboard

I have a yamaha psr3000 keyboard and when I am playing the keyboard cuts out and the screen flashes on and off.
Changed power supply, outlet etc. Can anyone help.

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Jul 28, 2009
Cutting out
by: eddieg0107

I had this trouble with my PSR3000 two years ago and it went back to Yamaha twice where they told me the fault was in the power cable. This is not so. Eventually I found a site in America where someone had the same fault and Yamaha had to replace,I think, an output transistor(or similar). The problem has happened aga
in over the last few days so I am hoping it is not permanent as it took Yamaha 4 months last time to sort it out.
Good luck
Eddie (UK)

Jul 26, 2009
Intermittent PSR 3000
by: Alfred

You have a keyboard which "doesn't come cheap".
The problem you describe can be as simple as an internal loose connection or unsoldered wire which is dislodged while you are playing (impact movement); or it can be a component in the circuit which cuts-out when current heats it up. You should consider taking the unit to a service shop for repair after first checking their fee structure.

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