Comments for Yamaha PSR 3000 cannot read the midi files of TR-808 drums

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Dec 22, 2010
PSR 3000
by: Sonny

Dick thank you for your kind and helpful guide.Yes I format it several times on the PSR 3000 bt still always appear format.And when I tried to downloa Jennifer lopez lets get out loud midifiles evrything sounds good except for the drums sounded pianos it cannot read the part that says TR-808 or PR-808 I think its Roland or Korg. Hope you can give me more ideas about it GOD BLESS

Dec 21, 2010
by: Dick Rector

Hi Sonny,

I would advice you to have a good look at the pages in your manual dealing with loading files from an USB-stick.

I have a few general keyboard points that maybe are helpful.
Did you try another stick?
Did you format the stick IN your keyboard and NOT on the computer? In some cases you have to.
Do the files have a xxxx.MID or xxxx.KAR extension?
If not, change the extension and see if that works but they are probably not midifiles!
You are not trying to load mp3 or wav files? They will only be visible in keyboards with these facilities.
Can you see the mentioned files on the stick when you put it in your computer and play them AS MIDI for instance in a program like VanBasco's Karaokeplayer (Free to download)?
If yes, the files are there and some setting on the keyboard or the format on the flash-stick is wrong.

I have heard that a maximum of 70 folders with about 250 files in each folder will load in a Yamaha..... due to the always limited flash-memory in the Yamaha keyboards! So if you have too many styles loaded on a flash-stick or if there are to many folders, the keyboard will not read or display them.
Solution: you have to make or less folders and/or less files in each folder.
I am only guessing here of course but it makes sense to me!
Another idea, go to:
and download for free Michael Bedesem's MIDIPLAYER (first the whole program and than the latest update over it).
Run your midifiles trough this wonderful program, it will correct, if at all possible, any failures in it. Also it will replace GM (General Midi) voices to the by far more exiting voices of your instrument.
You have to do (only ones) some simple settings in this program before you can use it. On that forum are MANY very helpful people, Profs and amateurs and I am sure you will get soon an answer if my humble suggestions are not solving the problem.

Dick Rector

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