Yamaha PSR 290 or 295?

by sara
(new zealand)

Which is better?

Yamaha PSR 290 OR Yamaha PSR 295?


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Sep 25, 2024
new model equivalent to yamaha psr 290 NEW
by: Anonymous


Dec 07, 2021
PSR 290 and PSR 295
by: Josh

The only differences between the PSR 290 and PSR 295 are; mainly age (290 is older than 295), updated sound quality, selection of demo music, and the PSR 295 has both MIDI connections and internet connectability.
Think of it like a car model, same model newer updates and features.

Nov 05, 2009
Yamaha PSR 290 or 295
by: Alfred

Dear Sara: If you first google Yamaha PSR 290 and learn about that Unit, then do the same for Yamaha 295 you will be in a position to post any lingering questions in this Forum. No disrespect is meant, but you should do some "homework" before posing any questions such as yours. Most participants do not own more than one keyboard, and presuming the one they own is one of the two
in question, they have no way of really responding without doing some "homework". All this said,please accept my advice in the positive spirit in which it is meant. I look forward to helping you further, so please don't be shy to post future Forum messages. Keep well.

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What is the difference between the psr-293 and the psr-295?

by jessica

Are they the same, or is one just newer?

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Sep 08, 2009
Difference PSR 293 and PSR 295
by: Alfred

Dear Jessica: All I can tell you is that both these keyboards were released by Yamaha in 2004. I believe there probably are some differences, and I suggest you Google the Internet for each unit, and you should learn what the differences are. Happy hunting!

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Yamaha psr 295 speaker static

by Russell
(Summerfield, NC)

My keyboard has a buzzing or static sound when playing. It happens only when striking keys and silent when not playing. Advice?

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Aug 22, 2023
Buzz in speaker NEW
by: Anonymous

For the person with the buzz sound you may check your situation with running into an amp or headphones to see if it's still there.
Or bad connection with a speaker wire.

May 30, 2022
Psr 295 static NEW
by: Anonymous

Sometimes it's the battery holder or terminal,the coil thats hold the negative of the battery.it vibrates when the sound is very loud. Just insert foam on each coil to prevent it from vibrating.

May 30, 2022
Psr 295 static NEW
by: Anonymous

Sometimes it's the battery holder or terminal,the coil thats hold the negative of the battery.it vibrates when the sound is very loud. Just insert foam on each coil to prevent it from vibrating.

Mar 22, 2020
Left side speaker buzzing
by: Dina

The left side speaker is giving the sound shshshsh once i turn on the keyboard what can i do with that problem and dose the fees of repair is high?

Feb 26, 2010
Same Problem
by: Smiley

I have the same problem...started a long time ago, but just now decided to see if others had it. Sure enough, only the right speaker, buzzes when I play. I'm thinking of opening the keyboard up and seeing what I can find. Any updates on successfull fixes for this issue?


Dec 10, 2009
Yamaha PSR 295 Speqaker Static
by: Alfred

Dear Russell: As the problem is only audible in one speaker changes the possibilities. Again, ONE POSSIBLE CAUSE COULD BE that the right Speaker Cone is off-center and its coil is rubbing against the magnet when it receives a sound signal. Do not buy any Contact Cleaner, as it appears the defect has nothing to do with input power at all. Your unit is relatively new (2004) and should still give you some years of playing pleasure. I avoid recommending any DIY repair and suggest you consider either having the keyboard checked by Yamaha, or by one of their authorized service technicians. There are internal circuit components which are sensitive to static electricity, etc, and there is always the chance other components may be causing the speaker to behave badly. I hope my info is of some help, and that the cost of the repair will not be excessive. Good luck.

Dec 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

I failed to mention that the bad sound is only in the right speaker. I tried using batteries,then the A/C plug,but with the same buzzing sound results. Sometimes the sound is fine, but more frequently the buzz is present. I'll try the contact cleaner this weekend and let you know.

Dec 10, 2009
Yamaha PSR 295 Speaker Static
by: Alfred

Dear Russell; One (among several) possibility is that the Battery Terminals/Adaptor Plug Contacts may be dirty or making bad contact. Try cleaning with Electronic Contact Spray. Will you please let the Forum know if this works for you? Thanks and good luck.

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