Yamaha psr 175 midi problems

by gloria
(london, uk)

i have a midi/usb lead, but when i try to play my keyboard in garageband, the instrument is not recognised. i use a mac os 10.5.5. do i need to buy an interface or just install some drivers, and if so, which?

many thanks


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Aug 30, 2021
PSR 175 Mac problems
by: Anonymous

Im having the same issue but Im not using a midi cable. I connected mine through the output to focusrite interface. Mac doesnt recognize it at all.

Mar 10, 2016
midi problem
by: Anonymous

hey, I have the exact same problem and i cant find a solution..pls any suggestion for fixing this?

Oct 05, 2011
midi problems
by: rene.rotter@gmail.com

Hey everyone!
So I connected the MIDI out int the 'in' and the MIDI out in the 'out' of the piano.
Now when I try to record with garageband, although I play the piano I don't see any notes recorded and no sounds is produced from the computer only from the piano itself is it normal ? Could you please help me fix this, telling me what exactly I have to do because I really don't want to buy a new electric piano ..


Jul 05, 2010
Midi In Connects to Midi Out!
by: Anonymous

Oh my god I spent like 5 hours trying to figure out why this wasn't working and voila- in connects to out and vice versa... thank you!!

Mar 03, 2009
simple solution
by: Anonymous

well don't i feel silly! i didn't realize that the midi lead 'in' end has to go into the key board 'out' port and the midi lead 'out' end has to go into the keyboard 'in' port.
all fine now!
hope this helps others..

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