Comments for Yamaha PSR 1100 - Buttons not working

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Mar 16, 2012
Butons(funtion keys) works wrong
by: Shine

When i press exit key it gose to voice function or some other

Aug 08, 2011
File Utility Software
by: Elkana David

Dear Sir,

I am using Yamaha PRS 1100, & our Floppy Drive is not working properly, Even after inserting Disk it is displaying insert disk OR Disk Error, So I need to store the data from Instrument to PC through File Utility Software in MIDI formate, But the software and the Instrument is not supporting, And I want to know if the software in not interacting between the Instrument and PC then why the Company provided the Software ? and what for? Please help me.

Elkana David

Dec 13, 2010
Sticking keys
by: Dick Rector

Hi Rui,

It sounds to me like some sticky stuff has been spilled onto your keyboard. Keys responding funny can be a defective contact-pad but so many faulty buttons????
I advice a very good clean if you are skilled to open up the keyboard.
Use a vacuum-cleaner, compressed air and a damp cloth.


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