Yamaha PRS550 - pitch bend error

by dhanushka

I have Yamaha psr550. It pitch bend is out of tune. What is reson? Is it dust problem. Can i solve this problem from replace pitch bend

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Sep 15, 2021
My keyboard
by: Anonymous

Am majek from Nigeria can my keyboard go off tune when it falls to the ground?

Aug 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have a psr630 that is doing a similar action. I can be playing and all on its own it will be changing pitch but not to just another pitch alone,its like the bender is being use ever so gently to make it sound all out of tune. I purchase this keyboard new over 20 yrs ago and definitely got my money's worth. If it is fixable I would like to do so because I enjoy playing it. I tried the compressed air in bender wheel,is there any other suggestions out there.
Thanks Gus

Aug 13, 2010
PSR 550 PC Cord
by: Alfred

Dear Dhanushka: Did you ever find the patch cord about which you recently enquired? I remember telling you it is available through Ebay/China.
If you acquired one, let us know how it is working. Thanks.

Aug 13, 2010
Yamaha PSR 550 Pitch Bend Wheel Malfunction
by: Alfred

Dear Dhanushka: If what you are describing is an off-tune sound when you are playing the keyboard, the problem is probably a stuck Pitch Bend Wheel which is not springing back to its normal position. This could be caused by a broken Pitch Bend spring, or hopefully by dirt which has become lodged onto the sides and/or in the spring.
Try blowing it out with compressed air (from a can), followed by a strong vacuuming. Both actions are applied to the two sides of the Wheel. Move the Wheel back and forth while doing this. If the problem is not solved, contact a qualified keyboard technician for help. DO NOT TRY TO OPEN THE KEYBOARD OR DO ANYTHING ELSE.

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