Yamaha Portatone PSR-1000 Question

by Patrick Bureau
(Houston, TX, USA)

Hello, I inherited my 90 year old father's PSR-1000 after his passing it comes with a folding base , to be honest I dont play the keyboard, and my wife prefers the Piano, so here it sits on a corner and I was thinking it could be better used by someone else.

I have look high and low, and surprisingly enough I do not see this keyboard being traded or sold very much on the internet, and IO was hoping to ask for a fair price, I am in the USA (Texas) and am seeking counsel.

1. Everything works on the keyboard, and never been repaired.
2. yes it comes with an original PSR-1000 floppy diskette that it reads just fine.
3. how much use it has had, well I can tell you my father bought it new in 2003, and well passed away in 2014, and during the last 8 years of his life it was store inside his house in a closet. so it saw little usage until his passing away.

any though what would be a reasonable price for this keyboard with base ?

email me preferable the answer. : Patrick.bureau(at)outlook.com
many thanks.

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Dec 31, 2018
gone.. and sold
by: Anonymous

Thank for that, I brought it with the stand to Guitar store and they gave me 175$ for it, they evaluate the quality and usability to be worth 250$ on the market, I just needed it out of the house.

thanks for the replies

Dec 27, 2018
Options for used Yamaha PSR-1000
by: Anonymous

The hardware is too old to be of value to anyone, as floppy disks went the way of flash drives.And the keys have spring action which is not like an acoustic piano, which if you look on Facebook Marketplace, you'll see that people can't even give away. Good Luck! And I do hope you learn how to play!

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