Yamaha PF-70 Reset

by Sean

I have recently acquired an old Yamaha PF-70 keyboard. I am just learning to play piano and needed something to practice on. After messing about with it for an hour or so it has stopped playing. Now it only makes weird muted noises and is just really odd. I am almost sure I messed it up somehow. Anyway, is there any way to do a factory reset on it or something so that I can get back to playing it like a normal piano?

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Nov 26, 2011
pf70 problems
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem and the two comments above have no bearing on the problem. the nearest description is the "envelope" is too short. my friend suggested that the length of sustain may be the problem and to increase if possible. I will dig it out and try and post results (not today though).

Mar 15, 2010
Remedying a wonky PF-70
by: Anonymous

Don't panic. It's a good piano. Read the manual.
While there is no default-settings, that's probably what you need to do. Or you may have accidentally turned off the speakers (see back of cabinet switch near the left hand corner as you face the instrument). Check that first.

Unplug the pedal. If you plug it in after starting things up it can interfere, so reattach ALL peripherals BEFORE turning on the instrument.

Hope this helps. Enjoy this retro keyboard. d.

Oct 11, 2009
Yamaha PF70
by: Anonymous

Check PSU PCB for cold junctions.

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