yamaha p60 out of tune?
by Rich
(manchester NH)
Hi I am thinking of buying a used Yamaha p60 for $350.00. My only concern is that one or two of the keys seem out of tune and it also sounds a little tinny to me. I am not a piano expert. A music store told me that a keyboard that has been played alot may need the contacts repair. cost 150.00. Can you comment on these two things?
Yamaha P-60 Transposing
Does anyone know if you can transpose on the Yamaha P-60 and how to do it? Thanks!
Recording - Yamaha P-60
Can I record on a P-60?
How long does a Yamaha P60 electronic piano last
by Hillarie
(New Hampshire)
I bought a Yamaha P60 about 4 years ago. About 2 years ago it started to go downhill. Now the keys don't have their elasticity. You press them and they stick going down and the sound might be faint. It does this in a random pattern throughout the keyboard. And the keys toward the high end have lost much of their resonance and when you press them you get the clacking sound of the parts as much as the musical sound. Is this normal? How long is this keyboard supposed to last? And should I bother getting it fixed or just get another piano?
How to reset my yamaha p-60 ?
by Alexandre
(Paris, France)
Hi !
I have an old yamaha p 60 and some trouble with it :
-one hearphone doesn't work
-I can't use voices
-I can't listen to demos
-The little red led doesn't work when it's turned on
I think I have to reset it (have I another solution ?) :
How ?
Need stand for Yamaha P 60 digital piano: L-120 Stand
by dn
Where can I get a black wooden furniture-like stand for a Yamaha P 60 digital piano?
It is the L-120 stand in black, it was discontinued and no one has it in stock.
Yamaha P-60 Piano
I would like to know what current Yamaha is analagous to the old P60 electronic piano? I liked the sound quality of the P60 and it's simplicity- I prefer a piano without all the extras.
what is the closest Yamaha in simplicity, quality, and price today??
piano - Yamaha p-60 demo...
by john
does anyone know what the e-piano 2 demo is called on the yamaha p-60?im trying to transcribe it and its doing my head in
how do i connect my yamaha p60 to pl system?
i love my yamaha p60 and purchased it for the purpose of playing at home, recording and also performing... unfortunately i was unaware that i could not connect the keyboard to a pl system in live shows... what are my options in terms of using it for live shows?
Yamaha p-60 vs p-85
by Ariel
what is the difference between them?
why is the p-60 heavier?
is the p-60 speakers sounds better?
does they have linout jacks?