Yamaha Motif XS8. I have problem with the voice bank.... What should I do?

by Vima
(Boston, MA, US)

When I click on "voice" and then "Bass", the sound list is not bass, but "sax". And when I click on "organ", the sound list is "bass". This is so weird.

Anybody know how to fix this? I feel so confuse every time I want to select a particular sound.

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Jan 31, 2020
Tone selection malfunction
by: Idahosa

Hello, I have had the Yamaha XS8 for over 9 years now and it has worked perfectly until 6 months ago, the keyboard changes tones on its own while playing. And very recently, when I choose a tone, it changes it automatically, I have done factory recent a number of times but it doesn’t seem to fix the problem. Please I’d appreciate if there’s a way to fix this issue. Thanks

Aug 10, 2018
Yamaha voice and display
by: Harold

When i select a sound and start playing, the keyboard starts random selecting sounds on its own, and sometimes, the display changes to another page, where i have to keep manually going back to my selected voice. How do i solve this problem? I experience it both on my XS8 and XF8

Sep 20, 2015
Motif ES7 buttons acting crazy
by: Will

This is my problem. (Motif ES7)I have the sound on Full grand and when I go to press the utility button, it changes the sound to Ba:Funk Finger. Why is it doing that?

Dec 23, 2009
Preset Problem
by: Scott601

You are not having a problem. When using the words "piano" "keyboard" "organ" etc. those are categories. Press the Category Search button and you're fixed. The keyboard is functioning properly.

Dec 23, 2009
Same here
by: Scott601

I have the same problem now. Selecting a preset randomly selects a bank. Posting things like 'HOPE THIS HELPS' is USELESS and a time waster. I performed a factory reset, and it did nothing.

Nov 27, 2009
Yamaha Motif XS8 bank issue
by: Valentin

Hello, I have the same issue - i tried to reset it to the factory default, but it did not help. Is there a solution for this or it is wrong factory programming?

Oct 17, 2009
Voice Bank Problem Motif XS 8
by: Alfred

Dear Vima: Go to your Owner's Manual for Reset/Initialize instructions and apply. It just may return your unit to normal condition. Hope this helps. Please post a follow-up comment if it does so other Forum participants can learn from your experience. Thanks.

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