Yamaha Motif XS6 troubleshooting

by Daniel
(Cottage Grove, Oregon)

I have a Motif XS6, which I've had for many years. I love it, and it is an essential part of my studio. Lately I've been having some problems with it. At first it seemed only to happen with the bass guitar samples. The left channel would be barely audible,while the right channel was so far into the red it would nearly blow my studio monitors. There was no way to stop that. Even my DI faders wouldn't stop it. A week or two later it started to happen with other samples. I'm not sure if this is a problem with the outputs on the XS6, or whether the audio controls, or maybe the sample banks themselves, were being corrupted?

It isn't easy to find a repair person for this machine. The closest I can find is hundreds of miles from here.

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