Yamaha MOTIF ES7 - Save Settings (whole set) for stage performance

by Nico
(Uffenheim, Germany)


How can I save complete sets on my Yamaha Motif ES 7?

For Example I want to play a Nightwish-Song which means i have to use choir sounds, strings and some other little instruments.
I have to change between some Presets, first i only use the choir, then both and then all together with different settings.
A whole set, you know ;)

I'm able to do it on my PSR-2100 which is much more easy to handle.

So, how can I save that?

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Dec 21, 2009
Save Settings for Stage Performance
by: Roscoe

Hello Nico,

It is fairly easy to save settings. I use the Perform Mode.

Choose the desired preset and make the preferred updates. Once you are finished, then press the "STORE" button (2 buttons over from the "EDIT" button). It will ask you if you want to save. click yes.

DONE! Any questions email me at dwainhr@yahoo.com SUBJECT: Motif ES

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