Yamaha MM6 fades out while playing

by Neal

Our keyboard player has a fairly new Yamaha mm6. Herer lately it will be doing fine, but in the middle of playing the sound will fade down to nothing. Any ideas?

Thanks, Neal

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Jun 01, 2010
Fading Yamaha MM6
by: Alfred

Dear Neal: Since you invite "ideas", ONE MIGHT BE
an interenal component which heats up during use, fails (breaking circuit continuity) then cools off, following a repeat of the broken cycle after it 'rests". This tyupe of failure can also happen with a defective Power Adaptor, and simply replacing it might be the answer. I would suggest having a qualified keyboard technician effect any necessary repairs if you suspect an internal problem. Thanks for contacting us, and come back as often as you wish. You will continue to be welcome. Keep well.

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