Yamaha Microphone

by Ann Thorpe
(nr Southampton UK)


My name is Ann and this is my first visit to your forum. I have a Yamaha E403 and often record accompaniments so that I can sing without playing the keyboard at the same time.

Currently I have seen for sale a Yamaha microphone with a 6.3mm Adaptor, a 3.5 mm jack and 5 m. of cable. It is hifi and the number on its box is YM 705.

Would I be able to plug this into my keyboard (running from mains electric - not batteries) or would I lose other functions? I don't want it to mute the keys!!!

I have no idea if this could possibly work and would love to hear from someone who is better informed than I am.

Thank you.


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Dec 18, 2009
Shipping Problems
by: Alfred

Dear Josh: Now that you are no longer the "invisible man", I feel I can address you with a warmer link. In Brazil (where I used to live) they say "May God shower you with twice your kind wishes for me". Have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy and Prosperous 2010. Also thank you for the helpful info given. Regards.

Dec 18, 2009
Shipping problems
by: Josh

No problem. Happy to help. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

the anonymous guy.

Dec 17, 2009
DVD for PSR E 403
by: Alfred

Dear Ann: If still interested in DVD I recommended,see post by "Anonymous" of even date, above. Regards.

Dec 17, 2009
Shipments to UK through www.shipito.com
by: Alfred

Dear "Member": Thank you for the kind info re "no overseas shipments" for purchases made in the US.
I will be spreading the good word to other members.
I hope you were not shy about giving your name (even an alias). Your contribution is sure to be appreciated by all. Keep well.

Dec 17, 2009
Ship to UK
by: Anonymous

If they don't ship to the UK, you could use www.shipito.com which I used before to receive my orders. They forward your items to your address.

Nov 24, 2009
by: Anonymous

Hi Alfred

Didn't manage to order the DVD - they don't ship to the UK. Shame - it looked good.


Nov 24, 2009
DVD for PSR E 403
by: Alfred

Dear Ann: Sorry. Omitted saying once at Kraft site, search for Yamaha DVD for PSR E 403.

Nov 24, 2009
Instructional DVD for PSR E 403
by: Alfred

Dear Ann: I strongly recommend a DVD for you.It is available (only 2 left, as of today,11/24, so you'll have to hurry) from ebay@kraftmusic.com Price $9.99. I'd promised to share info with you. Good luck.

Nov 23, 2009
Info fwd
by: Anonymous

Hi Alfred

Thanx for sending that on - I will keep it for future reference - sounds like you know more than I do but I do have friends who can translate for me!

Luv, Ann

Nov 23, 2009
Sound card info.
by: Anonymous

Hi Joe

Thanx for that. I will retain your info. and use it as and when


Nov 22, 2009
PSR E 403
by: Alfred

Dear Ann: Following is verbatum text submitted by a fellow member. I am not yet at the stage where all of it is clear, and I'm sharing the info with you as it pertains to the PSR E 403. Regards.

Nov 22, 2009
Recording a PSR e403
by: Joe

You cannot record the sounds you make on the keyboard into logic (or any other program for that matter) via USB. You can however hook up your keyboard to you computer and use it as a MIDI controller for a VST host. This opens you up to the BIG BIG world of softsynths. If you wanted to record directly from your psr, you need to hook the output of the keyboard (1/4" jack) into the line in on your soundcard (1/8" jack, you will need to get an adapter piece) Be aware though that both of these methods will sound like... well crap. If you try to record your keyboard you'll have a lot of noise, and using it as a MIDI controller you will have ridiculously high latency issues (the lag time between pressing a key on your keyboard and hearing sound from your computer speakers) Simply, your computer's built in soundcard isn't made to handle this kind of stuff, so you'll need to invest in a decent soundcard, or external USB interface. I use the M-Audio Fasttrack Pro myself (about $200)

Peace and good luck


Nov 21, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hello Ann,

No I can't add much to this, Alfred explained it all clearly. He has the same keyboard as you and I don't.
The 'mild' reset (only highest white key C) don't ruin anything. This procedure counts for almost all newer Yamaha keyboards!
The factory-reset however (highest C + 3 black keys) will reset everything and clears normally the personal USER areas. The USER area is where you record your own stuff.
Whatever is there in memory will be lost.
Making backups is always a good thing to do, so you can replace your personal set-ups just in the rare case you have to do this factory reset.
The very rare case can happen when you made a total mess in programming and chancing things. If the keyboard can't make 'chocolate' of it anymore and behaves strange or makes funny and unexpected sounds. Normally a fresh power-up will solve this.
You don't have to worry about losing internal factory settings, they all are fixed inside and can NOT be deleted. (Only with the use of explosives my friend say's!.)

Hope the this puts your mind on ease.


Nov 21, 2009
PSR E403
by: Alfred

Dear Ann: The Accessory CD included when you purchased the keyboard is activated when you activate it through your Computer's CD Player. I've not reached the point where I may want to Initialize (Factory Reset) my unit, but I know taking such action clears EVERYTHING, RESTORING
THE KEYBOARD to "out=of-the-box" condition. If you have any Memorized Setings and Internet downloads, they will be erased. The simple reset action as you know - when no settings have been memorized - is merely turning the keyboard OFF and then ON again. The "half way" Initialization is done by turning the ketboard ON while pressing down on the last White Key (to the Right). A "full" Initialization is done by turning the keyboards ON while pressing down on the last White key plus the last three Black keys while turning the Unit On. This may not answer the question completely for you, and we should await further word from Dick.

Nov 21, 2009
Thanx and another question
by: Anonymous

Hi Dick

Thank you for your welcome. I feel that I'm among friends.

Thank you so much for your instructions re connecting my keyboard to an amp. or hifi. I will keep that info. until I need it.

I hsve never connected my keyboard to my computer - if I did this and 'lost' something crucial to running the keyboard, would your 'factory reset' instructions return everything to how it was?



Nov 19, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hello Ann again,

Sorry I forgot to welcome you to this friendly forum.
Nice man this Alfred don't you think, too shy I believe but he is my guru!

His answer however made me think how to solve your problem (if it is a problem.)
If you want to use a microphone with your keyboard and are in a position to get an amplifier you can combine the lot perfectly together. (To be honest, if it is on a small scale, any decent stereo-set with the possibilities to connect external equipment will do fine.)

You connect the keyboards headphone OUT to AUX IN or LINE IN on the amplifier and a microphone to PHONE IN.
Find the ideal soundlevel between them and you are in business.
You can even still play the keyboard at the same time if you wish!
You will be amazed how the quality of the sound improves using an amplifier and external speakers.

If you go for this combination one warning!
ALWAYS first turn keyboard ON before the amplifier and volumelevels set to ZERO. Or you run the risk of a loud BLOB (explosion-sound) from the speakers or HOULING from the mike. When finished reverse this action.

I hope we helped you a bit, let us know

Bali (Indonesia)

Nov 19, 2009
by: Anonymous

Hi Dick

I;'m really glad that I didn't buy that microphone - I had sufficient doubt to leave it in the shop. Several times someone else had helped 'set up' my keyboard and had connected the pedal wrongly and the keyboard muted - I was afraid that that would happen with the mic.

Thank you so much for your help - and the banter.


Nov 19, 2009
Name Game
by: Anonymous

Hi Alfrid

I don't mind you spelling my name wrongly - I prefer that spelling but wasn't given it!!

Thank you for your help - it was so easy writing in to the forum rather than trying to find out by myself. I will certainly bring further queries as they crop up.


Nov 19, 2009
Microphone for PSR E403
by: Alfred

Dear ANN: Sorry, this time I got your name right!

Nov 19, 2009
Microphone for PSR E403
by: Alfred

Dear Anne: Dick Rector did not tell you: "I am but his reflection".

Nov 19, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hello Ann,

Alfred is (always!) right, there is no mike input on your keyboard. You need a separate amplifier with mike input(s) and loudspeakers to do what you want.


Nov 19, 2009
Microphone & PSR E 403
by: Alfred

Dear Ann: I happen to have this same keyboard, and I am positive there is no Jack for use with a microphone. You know that the Jack for the Headphone is for listening to sounds reproduced by your keyboard and for connecting an external amplifier (using the correct EQ levels). You CANNOT INJECT A SIGNAL THROUGH THAT JACK. A microphone is for injecting a signal, not listening. Selfishly, I'd like to hear from you again if you need further info, as I know that the Owner's Manual leaves a lot to be desired and I'm still learning about the many features of this model. Keep well.

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