Yamaha EZ250i... lighting specific keys.

by Raymond
(Atlanta GA)

Any way to get specific keys to light up? For example, if you just wanted to get all the keys in a scale to stay lit for practice.

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Jan 02, 2018
EZ250 Lighting specific keys.
by: Kathleen G.

Hi, Does your EZ250I LIGHT ALL THE KEYS and come with a YAMAHA SPONGBOOK? I haven't tried to get other keys to light up. I plan to in the future. I have an Ipad2 with a lot of piano lessons from the Apple store. Some you use without the wifi others you do. One time I read on the web you could get other keys to light up with certain keys you wanted. Should have studied it more. One piano app came to my Facebook website. a link went to it downloaded it plan to my pc just use a USB cable from pc to music keyboard. Plan to in the future try this piano lessons. One person I think was successful to get his keys to light up, have to look for it.

Good luck !!

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