Comments for Yamaha E403 vs yamaha ypt-200

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Apr 20, 2010
403 vs 200
by: Alfred

Dear "anonymous": 403 released 2006. Don't know year YPT 200.

Apr 19, 2010
403 vs 200
by: Alfred

Dear "anonymous": Seventh line from bottom of earlier message, read "son/daughter".

Apr 19, 2010
Yamaha E403 vs yamaha ypt-200
by: Alfred

Dear "anonymous": PLEASE ID youself when posting in this Forum (Code or first name will do). We make it a practice to only respond to entries with ID's, but in this case because you have a "small guy" who needs some help, and because I happen to own a 403 I will try to be constructive in my comments. Unfortunately discussions in the Forum do not include the info you seek. Our contributions deal mainly with questions/ problems/comments encountered with the instruments we play. The titles to the left of this message MAY include some relevant info and one other suggestion is to google the units separately. As far as I can tell from research I did on the 403 before I bought it,is that it may have an advantage over the 200 as it includes features usually found in "pro" units (which your son may eventually want?!). This may be the only significant issue, as I am sure that the 200 provides equal features for any Beginner. I hope this info has been helpful, and please, remember to ID youself when you come back to this Forum where you will always be welcome.

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