Yamaha DGX-520 suddenly became quiet, with very little volume - no adjustment

I moved my Yamaha Portable Grand DGX-520 keyboard, carefully, gently, about 10’ across the room to another wall. The volume became quite low the next time I played and the Master Volume adjustment now has to be on max to be able to hear it. Any ideas as to what has happened? A smooth process moving it around the corner to the other wall, so no damage to blame it on. ??

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Dec 14, 2022
Yamaha DGX-520 Volume Issue
by: Anonymous

It is possible that the volume control on your Yamaha DGX-520 keyboard may have become disconnected or damaged during the move. This could cause the volume to become low or unresponsive to the adjustment controls.

To diagnose and repair the issue, you will need to open the keyboard and inspect the volume control and related components. It is recommended to refer to the manual for your keyboard or contact Yamaha customer support for detailed instructions on how to access the internal components.

If you are not comfortable with performing electronic repairs, it is recommended to consult a qualified technician or engineer for assistance. They will be able to diagnose the issue and provide the appropriate repair or replacement of the faulty components.

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