Yamaha DGX-230 Grand Piano - Can it EXPORT multi-part MIDI files for use in computer DAW/sequencer?

I purchased a Yamaha DGX-230 locally yesterday. It has "computer connectability" via its USB connector, but I'm confused about its MIDI IN/OUT capabilities.

I want to create and save multi-part MIDI compositions (up to 5 parts, apparently) on the keyboard itself - then transfer those MIDI files to my computer, where I use Sony Acid Pro 7 as a multitrack DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) with built-in sequencer.

Before I open the carton, I would like to know if the DGX-230 really is capable of this.

I downloaded the .PDF manual and have read the MIDI section, but am still not sure. It references drivers and various software apps included with the DGX-230. I would like to avoid adding additional software to my computer - only what's absolutely necessary for me to transfer/export the MIDI files to computer, and perhaps use the keyboard as a controller to record/play MIDI data into the DAW sequencer.


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Jul 28, 2012
Export mult-part Midi files...
by: Anonymous

Just download the midi driver for your operating system from Yamaha. Your computer will recognize the keyboard. Then you play into your DAW and save THAT performance.

Apr 04, 2012
RETURN IT. It'll never work, but other options will...
by: Tom

No. I was not able to solve it, and I tried every workaround imaginable. Yamaha customer support made suggestions that did NOT work at all. If you're within the "return window" I suggest you return it.

It's a nice instrument for someone who wants to simply play piano, or learn to play piano - with no intention of using it as a MIDI controller keyboard or scratchpad for initial composition ideas to be fleshed out in more versatile computer software later.

There are lots of learn-to-play software apps,a nd something as simple/cheap as PG Music PowerTracks Pro software will far surpass the composition/multi-track capabilities of this keyboard. In fact, I had an old MIDI controller keyboard and PowerTracks Pro on hand. Spent $20 (Amazon) for Alfred's Teach Yourself to Play Piano book/DVD and $6 for a MIDI to USB converter (HDE via Amazon) to connect the keyboard to a laptop. For $26 (plus existing hardware and software), I have a capable learning lab and composition scratchpad work station.

Apr 04, 2012
Yamaha DGX-230
by: Anonymous

I´m with the same problem. Did you solve it?

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