Problem with Middle C --DGX 630

by Yuan
(St. Louis, MO)

My middle C has no sound when I play a C major chord with left hand simultaneously. It plays OK without the chord. My 6 yr old pushed so many buttons, I wonder if it has something to do with the setting?



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Sep 22, 2009
"Lost Chord" DGX 630
by: Alfred

Dear Yuan: I'm not familiar with your unit, and you may have some recordings stored in memory. One suggestion is to Inititialize your keyboard, but know that you will loose such recordings. If you don't have an Owner's Manual, you can try two approaches. First, turn ON your keyboard whilst holding down the last white key. This will probably erase all recordings. If you wish to reset the unit to "Factory Condition", turn ON the unit whilst holding down the last white and the last three black keys. Hope this helps. Please post a comment if my suggestion works. We all want to learn from your experience. Thank you and good luck.

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Saving with the USB? Sounds badly... (Yamaha DGX-630)

by Martin W.

I'm going to come straight to the point. I want to save the songs I play on my Yamaha DGX-630, but it saves it in a .mid file, and it sounds terrible!
Is there any way I can make the keyboard save the music on a USB with the same sound quality (e.g not .mid) like it would have if I was playing on it live?

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Feb 23, 2009
recording from DGX to computer
by: Redhill

Luxy has it right on. As a matter of a fact I was able to get a superb sound recording transfer from my Yamaha DGX620 even using the Windows MovieMaker program that came bundled with my 5-year old SONY computer. AS Luxy pointed out, I simply took a quarter inch line out from the keyboard's "headphone out" line on the keyboard and (with a 1/8 inch plug adaptor) plugged into the back of my computer's audio line "in" (use the blue not the green or red color-coded receptacle). I then pressed the record button and (through trial and error) got a superb transfer. I found that, at least in the case of Window's MovieMaker, by keeping the record level at "zero" (yes ZERO) and riding the gain just from the keyboard (about 2-3 o'clock setting) I got a beautiful studio quality distortion-free recording. If you need to do further tweaking to the recording you can always use Audacity or SoundForge. Both are excellent.

Hope this helps some.


Dec 26, 2008
by: Luxy

Get Audacity (, then a dual-ended sound cable (which can connect to your computer's microphone input and your piano's headphones output - adapter required!!!) then press record and play.

Remember to make sure your speakers also produce the sound input so that you can hear yourself playing (or do it the simple way: Use the record function, then plug it in, press record on Audacity, then play the UserSong file, find yourself a magazine and sit by the screen and watch Audacity record.
Remember that the "Start-Stop" button's 'lamp' stops blinking when it's done playing the file, which means it's time to click the stop button on Audacity.

Then you can edit it however you like and save.

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Yamaha DGX-630 VS DGX-640

by Goran
(Flagstaff, AZ)

Yamaha DGX640

Yamaha DGX640

What is the difference between a Yamaha DGX-630 and DGX-640?

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Jun 19, 2011
dgx640 sound
by: Anonymous

Many of my students say that the dgx630 has a better and more natural full piano sound compared to the newer dgx 640. The dgx640 maybe seems to have a somehow "plastic midi-like" piano sound. Don't know if everybody agrees on that. But it's a ok.-product for the price.

Jun 18, 2011
any advice?
by: Anonymous

how do i buy the 640 and have it sent to my country? i live in nigeria (for those of you that don't have maps, that's in west africa). i've tried e bay and all i keep getting are weird statements about how nigerians are scam artists. if i can get any advice i'd be really grateful.

Dec 28, 2010
Small Review/ Rant :p
by: DGX640USER

Now I would like to elaborate a bit on this for the newcomers to Yamaha products and give them a clear outline on what they are going to buy.

I believe there are minor improvements, from testing 630 and actually buying the 640, I take freedom to say that it is an improvement, but not a major one.

The sounds are of course superior, and the DSP is advanced, the Grand Piano sound is great, but it still sounds so MIDI! The only real good use you will get for it is creativity, because it's very playable.

I think if Yamaha plans to improve the DGX/YPG series they will have to drastically re-evaluate their sound-banks, or change their concept of Digital Piano into something that goes more into the realms of "Digital" and not the "Analog" Piano. ( since it's a Digial Piano they're selling, I give you the irony )

In a sense, you could pull-off much more with a workstation or a cheap keystation if you're going to build a homestudio, this would only be a major handicap in price. :P

It's a nice piano for learning, however, there is always better, maybe not for the price, but close to it for sure.

Dec 14, 2010
by: Anonymous

DGX 640 can have 3 control pedals which can do allot. change effects, change volume a.s.o.
dgx aldo has about 80 more sounds. and more user tracks, which allows you to record songs.
there are allot of more small things that are great with the keyboard. when you split. you can make the half of the keyboard guitar. and the other half piano.
stuff like that.

Oct 06, 2010
Yamaha DGX640 Review
by: Mantius

Read this Yamaha DGX 640 review. Just added.

Oct 06, 2010
Yamaha DGX-630 vs Yamaha DGX-640
by: Anita

I m very happy with my DGX-630.
The only hangup I have/had was the low W speakers (6W x 2) and unfortunately Yamaha did not equip the 640model with more powerful ones.
The 3-pedal unit for piano-like expression can also be purchased optional for the 630model.

Sep 10, 2010
USB features
by: Anonymous

They all have USB to connect to computer: DGX-620,630,640.

Aug 19, 2010
Yamaha DGX630 vs Yamaha DGX640
by: Anonymous

Also the DGX-640 has a USB device socket so it can save to usb memory devices.


Aug 12, 2010
Is it that good
by: Anonymous

Please could you guys provide a review when u get a chance. im considering on either purchasing a dgx 640 ir p155!! Cant decide!!!!

Aug 08, 2010
Yamaha DGX-630 VS DGX-640
by: Anonymous

From what I've heard, Yamaha DGX-640 has piano voice improvements. It gets closer to listening to a real piano when striking the keys. I'm expecting mine to arrive in a few weeks, and I hope it really feels and sounds like an actual piano.

Aug 02, 2010
DGX 630 vs DGX 640
by: Alfred

Dear Goran: I know very little about these units apart from what follows, and it does not answer your question directly, but here goes:

Keyboards in the 76 and 88 keys category use the prefix DGX as well as YPG.
What exactly is the difference between DGX and YPG? Except for some minor ignorable technical differences they are the same. They are just different labeling which Yamaha uses to sell these electronic keyboards in different markets.
For instance, you will find DGX in the UK. and YPG in the US, and Numbers may differ slightly as in following examples:
DGX 630 = YPG-635 (Model number up by 5)
DGX 620 = YPG-625 ( “ “ “ “)
DGX-520 = YPG-525 ( “ “ “ “)
Hopefully some other more knowledgeable memmber will be able to add info. Keep well.

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difference between Yamaha YPG 635 and DGX630

by Craig
(Massachusetts, USA)

What is the difference between the DGX630 and the YPG 635

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Feb 23, 2009
difference between DGX 630 and YPG 635
by: Redhill

Same as with the DGX 620 and YPG 625; nothing whatsoever. They are just nomencaltures used by Yamaha to differentiate their identities in primary markets (mainly between Europe and the USA). That's it.

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how do you open a Yamaha DGX-630

Whats the best way to open a Yamaha DGX-630? There are quite a few screws on the back...but even taking them all off it still seems I have to force the keyboard apart and I don't want to force anything.

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Oct 14, 2009
Opening DGX 630
by: Alfred

Dear "Anonymous": Sorry. You forgot to identify yourself? Refer to and read Mantius', Dick Rector's and my comments in the Q & A title to the left of this message, then decide if you know what you are trying to do.

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Yamaha DGX-630. Recorded songs, diplays all the notes/chords using the Score button on only the right hand!


I have a Yamaha DGX 630.

When i start some of the built in songs in "songs mode", and then press the score button to display the notes/chords of the song, it disply both what oe should play with the right and left hand.

But when i record my own songs, or transfer an external midi file to the keyboard, when pressing score, it puts all te notes/chords on the right hand ONLY. And dosnt disply any notes for the left hand...

Is there a way i can edit some setting / split the keyboard for when the built in "Sheet displayer" (score button) can split the notes playd between the left and right hand? (Since it does this with the built in songs)

Best Regards

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Jun 20, 2010
Same issue with my Yamaha DGX-530
by: Vince Tews

Sir, I am having the exact same problem; please read my comment [I submitted it today, 20 Jun 2010, and it may get posted in a few days].

I have changed the split point to many points and re-recorded/converted/saved to USB then loaded and had it display/play/practice for both R and L together, R alone, in all cases i cannot get the keyboard to display the L notes in the Bass clef staff and the R notes in the Treble clef staff.

i have tried for hours/days to find additional manuals for the DGX530 other than the good 100 page User's Manual it came with.

pls let me know what you think. reply here or email me at

Dec 07, 2009
DGX 630 Dispaly
by: Alfred

Dear Daniel: I'm shooting from the hip here, (hope not to shoot my foot!). I also am not familiar with your unit. Is it possible that you have not yet tried a reset?

Dec 07, 2009
Thanks or your comment, but I've tried doing that
by: Anonymous


Thank you for your response.

Unfortunately when i toggle my score button to "two hands" both the left hand and the right "note scales", but thh buttom/left hand scale is empty, but all the notes are placed on the right hand scale "G-key scale" and none ot e "F-Key" sheet lines, so so it lookes really wierd, and is no playable, since the song issupposedto be played eoth both hands...

Dec 06, 2009
Score display
by: Dick Rector

Hi Daniel,

I have a PSR2000 and am not familiar with your keyboard but when I press the score-button I get a few options to choose from at the bottom-screen like LEFT, RIGHT, CHORDS ON/OFF, SIZE etc.
Maybe you have to sort them out to see what is for what.

Good luck


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Yamaha DGX 630 style button problem

When I press the style button and select a style, then press sync start, I get no playback. When I prss auto/accomp. with the style and sync start, the keyboard goes dead. My grandson has this same keyboard and I have no problem with his, so I know I am pressing the right buttons. Sorry I can't answer any of the questions. I am 66 years old and don't know much about keyboards but would love to know what is wrong with mine because I play it in church. Thanks for any help you can give.

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Aug 22, 2009
Defective DGX 630
by: Anonymous

That your grand-son's unit works and yours does not, is indicative of problem(s) which should be addressed by a qualified technician, or better by the store where you bought the keyboard. You must have thought of these suggestions, and trite as they may seem, I believe you will be better off in the long run. Good luck!

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Attaching DGX 630

by andrea gallegati
(Forlì Italy)

Ciao, il problema è: inspiegabilmente con gli stili e la banca dati, non ho l'accompagnamento alla mano sinistra, ma invece è sulla destra. Che cosa può essere successo?

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Dec 15, 2009
DGX 630
by: Alfred

Dear Andrea: Try contacting:
Yamaha Musica Italia S.p.A.
Viale Italia 88, 20020 Lainate (Milano), Italia
Tel: (39) 02-93577-1 Fax: (39) 02-937-0956
They should be able to answer your question.

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Stand replacement for Yamaha DGX-630

by R. Franicevich
(Petaluma, CA USA)

My son is using his DGX-630 for gigs and the stand is getting trashed. I want to get an x-stand but i notice there is a metal bar across the bottom, which would have to be removed. Any thoughts?

BTW, it is otherwise a great keyboard. I know it is not meant to be a gigging keyboard, but that is what it has become.


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Dec 30, 2008
its optional
by: Anonymous

I've been told in the store I can take it out if I want to use X type stand. So I guess its OK and you can simply do the same...

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How to change a 4/4 style into a 3/4 - DGX 630

by Matthew

Is it possible to change the beat in a style?
I use a variety of styles to accompany my song selections. I enjoy the variety of sounds and accompaniment I can get. However I don't like the 3/4 styles available in the style library. Is it possible to change a 4/4 style into a 3/4 style. I've read the manual and there is nothing about this in there. Regards

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Apr 26, 2010
changing a style-beat
by: Dick Rector

Hi Matthew,

On JOSOSOFT in Denmark is a free program to download what does more or less what you want to do and I seem to remember that some time ago on PSRTUTORIAL.COM someone asked the same question.
A few 'guru's' gave their opinion and limited advice because it is not so easy to get it sound right.
BUT when you are on that great website, look into the "style" area and you can download TONS of styles for free. I am sure you can't find some nice 3/4 styles there.....

Happy hunting

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Yamaha DXG 630 hold left

by A.M.M. van Dolen
(The Netherlands)

I just bought a DXG 630 but can' find the hold left style functie. Please tell me.

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Jun 20, 2010
pls restate your problem
by: Vince Tews, Texas

your comment is not completely clear to me. i will try to help but need a clearly written comment with more details please. thank you.

May 15, 2010
How to........
by: Dick Rector

Hallo AMM,

Yes I did see the message but sorry, I don't understand what you mean by 'Hold left style'. If this is a sentence from you manual (I am not familiar with your piano!) it should tell you what to do.
Maybe you can explain a bit more in detail what you want to do.


May 14, 2010
Yamaha DGX 630 Holding Left (Accomp)
by: Alfred

Dear AMM: Sorry I forgot to identify myself in earlier post.

May 14, 2010
DGX 630 Holding Left (Accomp.)
by: Anonymous

Dear AMM: Groeten. Your countryman Dick Rector who lives in Bali will see this post, and I'm sure will answer you.

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How to connect my Yamaha DGX 630 to my PC?

by R.Marin
(Ventura, CA, USA)

I want to connect my DGX 630 to my PC, but my computer doesn't detect it. I have tried turning on the keyboard after my computer is on but it doesn't seem to detect it. I've tried different USB port, I check the cable is working properly, but nothings happens. Any suggestions?

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Aug 25, 2010
by: Dick Rector


Maybe a driver is missing?


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Yamaha Dgx-630 Reset

by Niels Berger
(Oldenzaal, Overijssel, Netherlands)

Hey guys, I recently purchased a Yamaha Dgx-630/Ypx-635
Now my Question is: I need a Total/Hard reset
I want to reset the total keyboard, but can't realy find anywhere how to...?
The option are a little bit messed up by last owner, and i want to make a reset..!
Thanks for help !

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Feb 23, 2010
to anonymus
by: Anonymous

hey anonymus i just read ur comment about buying a dgx-630 or any kind of piano/keyboard.!
I hope u can sort it out in dutch !
but maybe u can also contact them in english, there dozens of keyboard/piano/digitale-piano's on that site, i also bought a Stagepas 500 there to add on my keyboard..Great sound :)
Hope this helps u a bit..!


Feb 22, 2010
Where Can I Buy Yamaha DGX630 in Holland
by: Anonymous

Maybe this isn't the right place for this post but I will try anyway... I used to own a Yamaha DGX630 when I lived in the US. I couldn't bring it with me when I moved to Holland so now I need to buy a new one. I'm having a hard time figuring out where to get one (I live in Haarlem). I'd like to buy one online and have it delivered because I don't have a car. Any suggestions on where I could find one (besides ebay which only has vendors from Germany and UK)? Thanks!

Jan 20, 2010
Yamaha DGX 630 Reset
by: Alfred

Dear Niels: Sorry I understood you meant "total/hard" reset. Anyway I am delighted you found out the partial reset procedure on your own. I should have been more explicit and given you both procedures. I hope you enjoy your keyboard without any further problems. Remember you are always welcome to return to this Forum anytime, with questions or answers. Keep well.

Jan 20, 2010
Yamaha Dgx-630 reset
by: Niels

Hey alfred !
Thanks for helping me for a bit !
ehm, the reset u gave me was for flash clearing: the songs wich i made !
I found out, that only the white last key on the right, made a total clear of all settings !
But thanks anyway, i can play finnaly now !

Jan 19, 2010
DGX 630 Reset
by: Alfred

If this procedure works, please advise me threough this Forum, Other members will be interested in your experience. Thanks and keep well.

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Yamaha DGX-630 - how does the metronome function?

by ANG

Hello. I would like to ask about the function of the metronome of the Yamaha dgx-630. Are the deominator and the numenator can function as all type of the time signature? I just couldn't find the time signature that i want. Is there any solution to solve my problem? I hope you can help me. Thanks!

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Jan 28, 2010
by: Anonymous

And which one do you need?

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Power Adaptor for Yamaha DGX 630

by AMY

I purchased my Yamaha DGX 630 portable grand keyboard in the U.S. but am using it in the Philippines. Can I use a 220 power adaptor instead of the 120v power adaptor that it came with?
Amy Miranda

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Sep 20, 2009
Power Adaptor = Yamaha DGX 630
by: Alfred

Dear Amy: YES. Just make sure the Adaptor's OUTPUT (DC volts and current amperage) is the same as that of the Adaptor you were using in the USA (if you powered your unit with one). Unfortunately I don't have the exact specs. at hand to pass them on to you, but I'm pretty sure it is 12vdc 1Amp. Hope this helps. Post an additional message if you need further help.

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Yamaha dgx 630 and logic ?

by krock

Can you play the dgx 630 with logic and access all the sounds on the yamaha ?

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Dec 22, 2013
630 Yamaha Keyboard
by: Anonymous

When I set the four memory keys to the setting I want and load the disc and format it then push save to dixe and all comes up and I pushed all the the keyboard started doing the same thing it was when it was formatting and would not stop. I cleared the keyboard using the 3 black keys and the last white key. How do I load the setting so i can reuse them without having to set it every time. Jim

Feb 20, 2010
Spare Parts for DGX 620
by: Alfred

Dear Alfie: I hope your sirname is ARGANE. On Feb.11 a guy named Gene posted a comment re spare parts for his DGX 620. He lives in Barbados. As I had not yet welcomed you to the Forum, I initially directed him to contact Yamaha. California or Yamaha Panama. Today I suggested he look up the phone directory for your number and address. It's possible you may have what he needs.

Feb 20, 2010
Nice settling of the waters.
by: Mantius (Moderator)

I think the atmosphere has now been created for some
valuable discourse. So many great points raised by Alfred, Dick Rector and Alfie. Let's proceed.

Feb 20, 2010
by: Anonymous



Feb 19, 2010
by: Dick Rector

Dear Alfie,

Yes, I want to give a reaction.
There are a lot of people in the 'real' world as you call it, who are knowing a heck of a lot about a lot of things without being a technician or specialist in that field, just out of cheer interest.
A lot of people are able to repair or even restore a car (from scrap)without being a prof mechanic because they are interested and learned how to do it.
There are also a lot of people knowing a heck of a lot about repairing keyboards without being a keyboard repair-person themselves by profession.
The forum-members on this friendly forum are keyboard-enthusiasts, some of them have played and repaired keyboards or similar instruments from the day they were invented a long time ago.
I am retired now but in my working time I was a sound-engineer and by no means a trained electronics-person but 'Tinkering' with electronics is done by millions of people all over the world including Alfred and myself and that doesn't mean we 'know almost nothing about it' as you stated!
We on this forum have absolutely NOTHING to do with any brand or factory and when people are having a problem with their keyboard we are trying to point to a possible solution as most helplines from factory's are not really helping you any further.
That does not mean 'Go and do it yourself'.
Most people go to a repair-person and they have to because they don't even dare to open their instrument and they don't have the knowledge.
Alfred, more than me, is warning people 'don't open your instrument if you don't have a clue', and of course he is right.
Alfie, if you have been following comments on this forum and if you are willing to participate, and I do hope so, you will notice how often we state 'this is not a DIY job' go to a guru with the knowledge, the parts and the tools.
But of course it is anybody's free choice to YES or NO give it a try.
That's my opinion.

Take care

Feb 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

Certainly not.IF THAT'S THE WAY IT CAME ACROSS I offer my humblest apology.I meant for people not to be tinkering in things they know "ALMOST" nothing about. At the end of the day it cost them more to repair.Don't fool yourself,we the tech no when someone else has been there before and we do know when the person is a neophite.I mean no harm.I am just trying to help my new found friends and offer an incite to the real world.
When your car breaks,do you fix it yourself or do you take it to the mechanic? ANSWER PLEASE.


Feb 19, 2010
Alfie's comments
by: Mantius (Moderator)


I'm sure you did not mean to be rude. But your last comment certainly came across that way. While we anticipate your valuable contributions, this is a friendly forum. Your positive participation will go a long way and in turn you will benefit greatly. Thanks a lot for understanding and hope to hear more from you.

Feb 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

My contribution is meant for TECHS.not tinkers .I myself do not like tinkers.Repairs to keyboards is a dlicate and time consuming job.Friends


Feb 17, 2010
General Discussion
by: Alfred

Dear Mantius: Dick will I'm sure, include technical aspects regarding DIY members who "insist" on opening their Keyboards/ Electronic Pianos in spite of our counsel not to do so. As the responsibility will be theirs and we have no say in their decision, whatever Alfie can supply in the way of his expertise could be used to at least give some guidance and/or repair hints, so long as those members do not reside in Barbados and can be coaxed to use Alfie's services. I believe such an approach will enrich our Forfum and help us grow. From my selfish perspective, being an Electronics Tinker (with no ambition to open any business) Alfie's contributions would be extremely interesting.


Feb 17, 2010
General Discussion Section?
by: Mantius

Dick Rector,

You mentioned having a "General Discussion sort of thing". What exactly are do you want to see? I'm always open to ideas for improvement.

Feb 16, 2010
A (new) Star is born
by: Dick Rector

I did read this Alfred and Mantius.
(never been a star before!)
Can't wait for the Hall of Fame!!!
Agree with Alfred to make a 'General Discussion' sort of thing, if possible.

Thanks and regards to you all.

Feb 15, 2010
"How lucky can we get?"
by: Alfred

Dear "Webmaster & Newly-found Contributor:
Mantius - Yes the oaktree site is I have made note of your helpful info re Yamaha activities in the Caribbean, they will surely be of use for enthusiasts in that area.
I have an additional suggestion, let's move communication to another page of the Forum away from Krock's original question, which by the way has been so expertly answered by you. If Alfie is going to become another "star" it'll be easier to exchange info that way.
Alfie - Mantius has given you very helpful info for your Barbados operation, but if on any occasion you feel a US contact is needed, feel free to contact me directly at Also, surely you have tried to become a local Yamaha-authorized Technician? You might find it easier to obtain their parts, and then use me as a contact for sources of other brand parts as needed. One other outfit which trans-ships orders is I know they trans-ship to UK. I hope Dick will read this message so as to keep abreast of what's going on.
Kind regards.

Feb 15, 2010
Yamaha keyboard sounds and logic
by: Mantius


As for your question of your keyboard and logic (or any recording software for that matter), if you use your keyboard as a MIDI instrument, it will only play the sounds of the modules and programs on your computer. It won't play the actual sounds of your keyboard.

However you can play and record the sounds of your keyboard in logic just like you would with any other instrument like a guitar or microphone. You can do this by connecting an audio interface to your computer.

Feb 15, 2010
Ordering Yamaha keyboard parts
by: Mantius

Hi Alfie,

Welcome to the forum.

Firstly, Dick Rector and Alfred are very active in this forum. I like to view them as the [stars] of this keyboard forum. They mean it when they say how helpful your presence as an experienced technician in this forum can be.

As for where you can buy keyboard parts, Alfred did you mean

Alfie, have you tried []? This is a Yamaha owned site and according to Yamaha, you can order original Yamaha Parts and Accessories from there. They ship via UPS and Fedex so you wouldn't have a problem since you can find both of these companies in Barbados.

Since you live in Barbados, as is the case with St Lucia (where I live) and many other Caribbean islands, the problem usually has to do with shipping. Many companies only ship to a US Address. If you have a US address or someone in the US, the product can be shipped to them and they in turn can ship to you. In St Lucia, there is a company called Ezone that facilitates that process. With Ezone you can shop from any website and not need a US address. Ezone delivers your goods to you. Is there a similar company in Barbados? Perhaps you can look into this if you come across a site that doesn't ship to Barbados.

I don't think that Yamaha parts are available in the English speaking Caribbean. You would probably have to order them from The United States.

The US number for the Yamaha Parts Department is
(714) 522-9958. I tried calling that number but apparently they're closed today. They can be faxed at (800) 634-0355. That's another option that you can try from tomorrow.

Hey Alfie, let's see how we can nail this down together. Let's hear if anything I've said here is helpful.

Feb 14, 2010
"How lucky can we get?"
by: Alfred

Dear Alfie: I do not know what regulations Customs or other entities may apply for "imported" goods, and you may already know the following: There is an outfit in the US which specializes in some vintage Keyboards and parts:
They also sell a compound for repairing rubber underlay pads. This could be helpful for your repair work. If you get on the internet to them you should find this item. Last price they showed was about $39.00. Also I'm sure you know about the non-brand-name dealers who offer genuine parts on the internet. Keep well.

Feb 14, 2010
"How lucky can we get?"
by: Alfred

Dear Alfie: Dick Rector had alerted me yesterday to your post, and I join him in welcoming you to this Forum. He informed me of your willingness to kindly participate in this forum with your expertise. We have been encouraging participants to join us in making the forum an interesting meeting place for enthusiasts to discuss their electronic piano/ keyboard problems and to contribute comments based on their experiences.
Your joining us will be a Godsend, and we have no doubt your contributions will help us meet our objective. For what it's worth, I will be happy to cooperate and share with you (as will Dick and other members) whatever contacts and info which will help you in your activities. Also, Mantius Casaubon our Webmaster never hesitates to acknowledge and compliment contributors like you. Once more WELCOME, and best regards.

Feb 13, 2010
by: alfie



Feb 12, 2010
Repair technician
by: Dick Rector

Krock,I have no idea, I don't use logic but there must be someone who can tell you more about it.

Please can you let us know a bit more about you activities in keyboard repairing (specific brands or general) and where you are on the globe?
I am sure I speak for all the participants:
You are very welcome and badly needed on this forum.
Soooooo many technical questions we don't know the answers.


Feb 12, 2010
by: alfie


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