Yamaha DGX 500

by Betty

Hi- how can I record my own music, whilst playing, onto a floppy disc using the built in disc slot -the manual is much too complicated to understand - be most grateful for any simple help please

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Mar 16, 2009
Recording to DGX-500 floppy drive
by: Vince

Hi Betty,

It's been awhile since I've done what you're asking about since I sold my DGX-500, but I might be able to help. If I remember correctly, first, with aa floppy in the drive, you have to set it to the songs mod and then select a song on the keypad from 201-205. These are the user songs. Then to start recording I believe you have to hold down the record button and then select one of the five tracks available to you using the row of buttons at the bottom of the display labeled 1,2,3,4,5. The record button should also be in that row at the begining. Okay, so once you hold down the record button and press the '1' for example, I believe it starts recording immediately. Then all you have to do is play! When you're done recording you press the stop button and that ends the recording. So as you record, the songs are saved automatically to an internal memory. They only go onto the floppy drive after the memory is full (you'll know because it'll stop recording in the middle of a song, very frustrating; it's happened to me!) and when you put them there. Now that is a different matter. Right now, I don't remember what the button configuration is on the front of the DGX-500 so I can't remember the procedure
for saving to a floppy disc. However, if you wanted to email me a picture of the top view looking down at the keyboard that might trigger my memory. My email is snaphappy007@gmail.com
I hope that helped a little.


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