Yamaha CVP301 firmware upgrade problem

by Andrew
(Nottingham, UK)

I have recently purchased a second hand Clavinova CVP301.
I'm trying to upgrade the firmware from V 1.04 to V 1.08 but with little success. I have formatted a USB 2GB flashdrive via the piano and downloaded the firmware V 1.08 from the Yamaha website. I've copied the 6 files onto the USB stick and placed it in the USB to Device slot in the piano.
When I press the Start/Stop key & power key together the piano displays the following message 'insert the installer card' but does not pick up the USB and use that to install the firmware.

Any help would be welcome.

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Mar 04, 2023
by: NTTV-Professional studio

Nechci nic říkat, ale: nahrál jsem na MC kartu to samé (6 souborů), do slotu dal USB (2GB!!!). Vypl klavír. Stiskl a držel klávesu START/STOP a zapl klavír a stále klávesu držel, dokud mi nenaběhl flash program. Verze 1.80 se nahrála bez problémů. Nevím, jestli z MC karty nebo USB, ale asi je důležité dokud klavír nenabootuje držet to tlačítko START/STOP. U mě to zabralo. Mám také CVP-301

Sep 28, 2019
Firmware update concern
by: Scott

I have same problem. Did you manage to get it sorted?

Feb 13, 2018
Same problem here
by: Anonymous

Hello, probably an old post here but I would like to ask if you have resolved your problem. I have exactly the same one, and I cannot find a smartmedia card to insert, is there a way to do it via usb?

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