Yamaha CVP 705 as a DAW and midi controller

by Hans
(Amsterdam, the Netherlands )

My Yamaha CVP 705 as all kind of transport control and program buttons. The display even has a nice mix panel. And more.

Could I use all those control elements for DAW-control. Could I use the program buttons for external presets on different gear? Could I use the memory of the CVP to save settings of the 2 functions written here above?
All those without influencing internal functions als tone generator.

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Dec 14, 2022
CVP 705 as a DAW midi controller
by: Hans

Thanks for the answer until so far. Very encouraging.
Follow up question:

* is there any experience written or on video in case of Logic Pro 10.5)? Am certain to investigate more.

Thanks for any help

Gr. Hans

Dec 14, 2022
Yamaha CVP 705 as a DAW and midi controller
by: Anonymous

Yes, you can use your Yamaha CVP 705 keyboard as a DAW and MIDI controller, utilizing the various control elements and buttons for transport and program control. You can also use the program buttons for external presets on other gear, and the keyboard's memory can be used to save settings for these functions.

To use the CVP 705 as a DAW and MIDI controller, you will need to configure the MIDI settings on the keyboard and your DAW software. This will allow the keyboard to communicate and control the DAW, and the DAW to control the keyboard's internal functions and external gear.

It is recommended to refer to the manual for your keyboard and DAW software for detailed instructions on how to configure the MIDI settings and use the keyboard as a controller. You may also want to consult a qualified technician or engineer for assistance with the setup and configuration.

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