Yamaha CP300 sequencer problem

by Cj
(Atlanta , Georgia US)

When I record and save a song with the built-in sequencer in the CP300 I can record several parts and everything is fine. However, after I turn the CP300 OFF and turn it back on again the song is still there and will play through a few measures and then it either quits completely, the song becomes garbled, or once it even was trying to play two songs at once. I have tried removing some songs to make sure there is enough memory and that doesn't seem to work. What should I do?

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Mar 30, 2011
What was the outcome here?
by: Judd Warrick

I am having a similar problem with my CP300. My sequencer will only play back my recording once and then start playing the Demo tracks! I cant get the reset to work. Any thoughts?

May 28, 2010
by: Dick Rector

Hi C,

I would do a factory reset, that will bring you back to the new 'out of the box' situation.
Mind, it will DELETE everything in the user area's so make backups first.

As for most keyboards I believe this reset is done by holding down the highest white key and the nearest 3 black keys while powering up.
What I ALWAYS do when I start up my keyboard, is what I call a 'mild reset' and that is holding down ONLY the highest white key while powering up. That will not delete anything but only makes the memory empty that you use for recording.
If this is not solving the problem I don't know the answer and you better have a prof having a look at it.
Let us know please so we can learn from it.


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