Yamaha CLP 745 - Need help figuring out how to manipulate files

I have successfully transferred a 5-second recording onto a USB stick which my Yamaha CLP 745 loaded as a BUP file. I got it converted to a .BUP.ZIP so that I could actually see the files inside. There are 6 files and none of them are my recording. What is the correct process of transferring a recorded file off of the piano and onto a media such as USB and be able to actually play it?

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Dec 28, 2022

by: Roger

To transfer a recording from your Yamaha CLP 745 to a USB stick and be able to play it, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Connect your USB stick to the piano using the USB port.
2. Press the [FILE] button to access the File menu.
3. Select the recording you want to transfer using the [-] and [+] buttons, then press the [ENTER] button.
4. Press the [EXPORT] button, then select "USB" as the destination.
5. Press the [-] and [+] buttons to select the format you want to use for the export (e.g., "WAV" or "MP3").
6. Press the [EXPORT] button to start the export process. The progress of the export will be displayed on the screen.
7. Once the export is complete, the recording will be saved on the USB stick in the format you selected.
You should then be able to play the exported recording on any device that is compatible with the selected file format.

It is also worth noting that the BUP file you mentioned is not a recording file, but rather a file used by the piano to store data. The recording files on your piano are likely stored in a different location or format, and may not be visible when you browse the files on the USB stick.

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