Yamaha CLP 300 Clavinova and Garageband

by Tulsa Gal

I have a Yamaha CLP 300 Clavinova and would like to know how I can hook it up to Garageband on my new iMac.

Thank you for your help!

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Jul 06, 2010
USB-MIDI Driver for Mac OS X
by: Angela

I had exactly the same problem. But it's now solved thanks to downloading the correct driver from the yamahasynth.com site. http://www.yamahasynth.com/downloads/drivers_software/stage_pianos/cp300/driver/

I downloaded the correct USB-MIDI driver corresponding with my operating system

Hooked up my CLP-330 to MacBook using my printer cable (USB-A Male to USB-B Male cable) and started garage band.

In garage band select new software instrument track and hit record.



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