Yamaha Clavinova Sticky Key action

How can I fix sticky keys on my clavinova CLP 130? There are a few of them that have recently started feeling sticky and the action has turned hard and sluggish.

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May 16, 2011
Sticky keys Yamaha CLP 930
by: Jorgen

I also have the problem with sticky keys (10 pieces) on my CLP 930.
Unfortunately Yamaha in my country, Denmark, is not willing to give any services in that context.
Yamaha has announced a new keyboard unit costs 800EUR and each key costs 15EUR.
Anyone who can tell me where I can buy the items cheaper? Yamaha in other countries refers to Yamaha in my own country.

Regards Jorgen

Mar 06, 2011
clarinova sticky key problem
by: chris

i can repair your clarinova sticky key problem
having bought one for my daughter 6years ago and had same problem have worked out how to get back to new, at a reasonable price will fix yours as well

Nov 25, 2010
Free of charge repair under warranty after 10 years
by: Yves

Hello to all,
I m from belgium.
I have a clavinova clp 970 with a gh88 keyboard built in. I bought it in 2001 or 2002.
Since a couple of months now i get sticky keys.
I called yamaha, and they offered to change the whole gh88 keyboard including parts and labour for free, and all of this in my house !
What a service !!!!!

They admitted to have problems with older pianos bevause of the lubrificant they have used. After a while (for me it took almost 10 years) the lubrificant weakens the plastic of the keys, and then some of them can break inside.

So now after 10 years i have a new piano. The keyboard feels softer, lakes less noise when playing on it.

Kind regards

Apr 13, 2010
Clavinovas with sticky key problem
by: Anonymous

We purchased a new clavinova which had the sticky key problem CLP-130. We are now looking to purchase a another clavinova and want to avoid this sticky key problem. Could you tell me which of the models have this problem? Thank you

Jan 26, 2009
Clavinova sticky keys
by: Dan (Puretech Solutions)

Hello, not sure where you are based but this will hopefully be of use to others in your situation

With this model (CLP130) and several models around this time of manufacture, there is a known issue relating to sticky keys. This is something Yamaha are dealing with in their usual professional way and carrying out the repairs to the affected model range. Clavinovas are repaired on-site using a technician such as myself approved by Yamaha UK, so you can contact me to arrange the repair or contact Yamaha. When you make contact please have you model number and serial number to hand and I can check your model against the affected range.
I am based in the UK and can only go on my good experience with Yamaha UK, but suggest people outside the UK contact their Yamaha distributor.

Hope this is of some help.

I work for this approved service company www.puretechsolutions.co.uk where you can contact me direct to discuss this issue or any other issue relating to electronic musical instrument repairs.


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