Yamaha Clavinova CLP-350 right speaker not working

by Alex
(Lotan, MIddle East)

The right speaker in my clavinova clp-350 is not working. The left speaker works fine and the action does too. I opened the cover and everything appears to be in order (just a bit of dust). I would like some instructions from folk who have tested/repaired speakers previously or the service manual before continuing. I live 6 hours from the nearest city and have technical abilities. Thanks!

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Oct 06, 2014
Alternative solution?
by: Anonymous

For me the same. It should be in the electronics, because the speakers are both working if I changed the cables. So one output of the print board is dead. I hesistate to connect two speakers to one output.. Or do anyone have another option?

Feb 12, 2013
Same Problem
by: Dave B

I have the same problem. The right channel is dead through the speaker and the headphone jack. I swapped the speaker cables to rule out the speaker and it worked fine, so it's something farther upstream in the signal.

Mar 25, 2011
opening the clp350
by: John H

Please can you tell me how you opened the cover on your clp350 as I need to do so on mine. thanks. JH.

Oct 28, 2010
speaker system
by: Dick Rector

Hi Alex,

Check with a headphone to see that the right-channel is working ok. If not, the problem is bigger than only the speaker and the end-amplifier can be dead.

If it is only the speaker, can you move VERY CAREFULLY the 'cone' up and down? If not the movement is blocked, maybe by dust or other foreign object.
If it moves free a possibility is that the coil is broken or burn out. That can happen when the volume for a longer period of time is set higher than maximum 2 o'clock so to speak. These speakers are not build for that much power, it is like driving a car in first gear with the gas-pedal on the floor.
If that is the case you have to replace the speaker (better is to replace both) of the same type, size and impedance.

Hope it is something simple.

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