Yamaha Clavinova CLP-230 - Replace power supply cord

by Julie Beckman
(Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)

Hi, We have recently moved from Australia to the United States of America. I need to buy a US power supply cord for our Yamaha Clavinova CLP-230 which we purchased in Australia. Where can I purchase the cord?

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Jul 04, 2010
CLP 230 Power Conversion.
by: Alfred

Dear Julie: Sorry. I forgot to identify myself in my post. Hope you got your unit up and working.
Please come back witrh comments/questions, now that you've found us. Th Forum will be all the richer for your contributions. Keep well.

Jun 27, 2010
Yamaha Clavinova CLP 230 Power Conversion
by: Anonymous

Dear Julie: As I understand it, the CLP 230 is a stand-up unit which takes its power directly from the wall outlet. You know the home voltage in Australia is 220 vac. and I suggest you first check your piano to see if there is a built-in switch (hopefully easily accessible) which can simply be flipped to 110 vac and use (if indicated) an outlet adaptor at the end of the power cord to convert its plug prongs for US use.
If the above is not the case, in addition to the plug converter you will need a step-up transformer to take the wall outlet voltage here from 110 vac to 220 vac. Check a local electronics store and explain to the keeper that you wish to use it for your piano so that an appropriate wattage is matched. (If you know the wattage or amperage of your piano, all the better). You don?t need a ?monster? and a relatively small-sized transformer should do the trick. A good store should know what is needed. Now that you?ve found us, you have a standing invitation to participate in our Forum with comments/questions you may have. Come back if my explanation needs further clarification. Welcome to the USA!

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