Yamaha Clavinova Blue Screen Fault

by Matthew

I have a clavinova cvp 501 and when it is switched on the screen is lit blue but completely blank & there is no sound.

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Sep 20, 2021
I have a similar problem with my CVP 501
by: Antonio Dias

I will be glad if someone could help me to resuscitate my CVP 501 . Am from India, Mumbai

Need Main mother Board of Yamaha Cvp clavinova. 501.As this is the probable problem as the local technician predicts. Can someone pls help. You efforts will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Mar 04, 2020
Me too.
by: DougPritchard

I have exactly the same problem. Turned on its just blue screen and no LED`s alight, and no sound so dead apaart froma blank screen. Checked fuses and they are ok. CVP401 now sitting idle.

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