Very soft sound from Yamaha Clavinova CVP 55

by Kelly Fergusson
(Menlo Park, CA)

My friend gave me her old Yamaha Clavinova CVP 55 because my kids want to learn to to play piano. When we first got it home it worked great. But now, the Master Volume doesn't seem to work. Only very soft sound is output.

I downloaded the manual, and am wondering if the problem has something to do with Split mode? Sure would appreciate help on this!

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Feb 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

I'm looking to sell a yamaha cvp 55. Anyone interested please call on 07787531383

Jul 16, 2011
Clavinova book for CVP 55
by: jfk

I also have a CVP 55 and am trying to get the book called Songs for Children. It came with the Clavinova. I am a music teacher and use it for my students to keep a steady tempo. If you have that book (with Yankee Doodle & This Old Man), I'd be willing to buy it if you are not using it.
My phone is 636 281 8880.

I'm sorry that I can't resolve your volume problem, but I do have phone numbers of Clavinova dealers in the area, if that would help.

Thanks for any help on getting my book and good luck to you with your Clavinova.


Jun 17, 2011
cvp 55
by: dustin sicat

I also have cvp55 but my problem different my clavinova has a distorting sound when I press the keys.

Feb 22, 2011
mellow setting
by: Anonymous

I have a CVP-50 (older than yours)
It has a slider for "manual volume" and another one to the left of it for "Brilliance"
The left setting is "Mellow" and the Right setting is Bright"
You may have the slider in the Mellow setting.

Dec 20, 2010
by: Dick Rector

Hi Kelly,

I am guessing but most likely the volume adjustment or end-amplifier is dead.
Try headphones and see if that works or make a connection headphones out to you home-stereo LINE IN.
If the volume-knob on the keyboard has no effect I am afraid you need a prof repair-person.


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