Value of old Yamaha keyboard psr 6300

by Cheryl
(Tampa Bay Area of Florida)

I have an old Yamaha keyboard psr 6300 in great condition with manual & all accessories. Is it worth anything?

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Feb 28, 2018
Carmel victory church
by: bernard

Pastor Bernard kafupa if any wanted to help may imal address God bless you pastor Bernard kafupa Carmel vector intanationl church menistr please you

Feb 28, 2018
Carmel vector intanationl chuch
by: Bernard kafupa

I pastor Bernard kafupa I need the keyboard to the church please help me a music instruments for the church menistr please pastor Bernard kafupa God bless you

May 31, 2017
ROMS for PSR6300
by: Anonymous

Please if anyone has roms for this can they get at me at

Include price and location. Must be working.

Jul 18, 2011
I need it
by: jos2jos2

I am a happy recent yamaha psr-6300 owner.
I would like a lot to get the 2 rom cards
I live in Spain..

Jun 29, 2011
Registration Packs for PSR 6300
by: Anonymous

I used to own a PSR 6300...great keyboard. Sold it when I bought a DGX-220. Now have a PSR S-710. Recently I came across two old ROM packs for the PSR 6300 and two for a Yamaha Electone organ (M-400) I think. Anyway if someone would like the ROM packs, let me know. As far as I know they still work but don't have any way to test them. I am in northern California, about 40 miles east of San Francisco

May 23, 2010
Keep it
by: Anonymous

Keep hold of it and know for sure, that its rugged construction and build quality; ease of use and sound quality will assure it of iconic value one day. I have 2. Do you know anything about the cartridges for them...I don't have any, just curious.

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