Comments for troubleshoot Yamaha psr3000 has no sound?

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Mar 07, 2010
No sound from speakers
by: Dick Rector

Hi Kim,

You can try this:

2 Questions.
Is normal sound coming from the headphones when connected?
If you make a connection LINE OUT to any amplifiers LINE IN is there sound coming from that system?

If yes in both cases most likely your keyboard end-amplifier feeding the speakers is broken OR, but unlikely, all you speakers are dead.

You need a prof repair-person to solve this problem!
It is NOT a DIY job.
Hope you solve this problem soon.

Good luck

Mar 07, 2010
Dead PSR 3000
by: Alfred

Dear Kim: 1) If you were using a Headphone "last night", remove it (and its adaptor). When a headphone is connected it cuts off the sound from the speakers.

2) If you were not using a headphone, press the last white key to your right WHILE turning the power ON. This initializes the keyboard and should
return it to normal condition.

Good luck.

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