trouble shooting - Yamaha PSR3000

by Reyguel Nious
(Columbus,Ohio USA)

My PSR3000 keyboard has a crazy tendency to flash continually after I turn it on. When I DO turn it on, it powers up to the final screen. Suddenly the LCD screen will start flashing the Yamaha logo and gives no sound or functional operation. I've checked the cold solder joint where the adapter plugs in and I've checked the adapter itself. Could it be a bad computer chip, outdated "firmware" , or something that makes it power out like that?


Reyguel Nious

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Mar 13, 2023
Yamaha psr 3000 boot problem NEW
by: Rautaparta

My psr 3000 keyboard does not start. Trying again and again. The owner's name appears on the screen and is interrupted. Sometimes it can start and works from seconds to a few minutes. Where could the problem be. All tests will go through if the machine stays running. and everything works when running. The transformer is fine 16.3 V.

Oct 25, 2013
Flash disc
by: Gatot HP

My PSR 3000 cannot read flash disc.
When we plug in the flash disc, the song on the flash disc cannot appear

May 06, 2008
PSR 3000
by: sira

This is bit a strange sitaution. normally yamaha keybaords never fail like this ( i guess)what i'd suggest send thsi to yamaha agents

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